前往 菲亞航調整克拉克航班? (第2頁) |

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您即將離開本站,並前往菲亞航調整克拉克航班? (第2頁) | 周遊家




我的紀錄目前已經成功的改到我想要的航班了 因為航段取消關係,所以目前我尚未看到有要收費的情形

版大~ 我現在也跟你遇上同樣的困擾,因為新航線CRK>MPH這段被取消 現在我也在交涉中,而且是每天一封一信,我整個快要七校~~ 目前給我的回覆竟然是 Dear Sir/Madame, Thank you for choosing PAL Express! We are pleased to help you with your concern. Please be advised that if you are not amenable with the new flight schedule, you have an option to rebook the flight with a maximum of 30days with no penalty, or you may cancel the flight and have your airfare to be refunded in full. For further assistance, you may call our Contact Center at (02) 855-9000 at anytime. Our Contact Center is open 24 hours a day, 7days a week or you may email us at [email protected]. We value your continued patronage. Sincerely yours, 然後我就直接在回他~我不懂那段話的意思~ 接下來看他要怎樣回我= =

現在可以說聲恭喜您了嗎?? 呵. 再看下去頭真的暈了 看你的足跡,這麼多國家,可見也是老手了. 自助旅行就是這樣,這也是一種經驗的累積 我說撞牆這件事,唯一的好處,就是練英文啦!!;-) 我年底打算去印度,我看你2011.01去過 印度應該不錯玩 謝謝你!!謝謝大家!!

現在可以說聲恭喜您了嗎?? 呵. 再看下去頭真的暈了

感謝大家~~PAL express寄來了SAMPLE AUTHORIZATION LETTER 我簽名後掃描回寄(姓名 信用卡號及定位代碼為虛擬號碼,如有雷同,純屬巧合),PAL express 來函,答覆如下: Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings from PAL express. Please except the amount to be reflected after 50-60 banking days. Thank you for making PAL express as your airline of choice. We’ll be more than happy to assist you again on your future flights with us. Sincerely, Cyrene Online Support

感謝 young29 客棧之光 事實上This is to acknowledge the receipt of your refund documents. We will inform you once your request have been processed at our end. 這段文字,在我第一次發文,PAL express 就已經來函告知了.因為,不確定加上擔心 所以才PO文求救.如果,照你說的,(如果你已經收到那樣的回覆,就等退款通知信就好。) 那為什麼不同的客服還來信要我補寄資料??? PAL express 來函,我不能不理他,就怕有個萬一!! 錢的問題,還是小心處理的好, 有時候,因為文化隔閡,彼此的思考邏輯不一樣,常常會產生許多,不必要的誤會 以我的理解:We will inform you once your request have been processed at our end.就已經OK了。 不過,後來的鬼撞牆,我就不知怎麼回事了。 另外,我想說的是:AirPhil Express在回信的速度上,我應該給他3個讚,讚,讚 而且,我也不認為AirPhil Express是廉價航空~~只不過,我借這個廉價航空的版面求救而已 AUTHORIZATION LETTER的問題,還沒解決~~ 我寄了兩次AUTHORIZATION LETTER,AirPhil Express沒說什麼問題 但重複寄一些內容是:(The passenger is the credit card owner............) (-The passenger is NOT the credit card owner......)的信 這不是鬼撞牆?是什麼!! 我昨天4月14日,要求客服寄一封AUTHORIZATION LETTER的SAMPLE給我 然後,我下載,照著格式簽名,回覆~~再不行,我也.... 等著AirPhil Express的回覆吧!!

我查了一下我的mail,我第一次寫信去有attach我的電子機票去要求退費,並且說明台灣沒有ticket office,請他們告知如何透過email辦理退費。 他回信要我掃瞄提供以下資料,我掃瞄後寄出 -The passenger is the credit card owner l Ticket l Valid ID l Credit Card -The passenger is NOT the credit card owner l Ticket l Clear Copy of a valid ID of the card owner l Clear copy of a valid ID of the representative l Authorization Letter from the credit card owner with signature, and of the representative. 因為我的信用卡是黑色的,掃過去也黑黑的,所以他再來信跟我要 credit card number - expiration date - credit card holder name 我回信後他們回覆This is to acknowledge the receipt of your refund documents. We will inform you once your request have been processed at our end. 再來就等退費,如果你已經收到那樣的回覆,就等退款通知信就好。 此外,訂機票前我就知道如果有變動手續費不會退,同意下才訂票,所以不用花力氣交涉什麼,另外,訂廉航機票也不適合訂那種要先付款無法取消的飯店,因為廉航改航班、停飛很常見,如果你消費前有多加注意,覺得風險大可以改訂傳航來避免這些損失。

根據這封來函,我是 credit card owner,所以我又提供了一次: 1. Ticket 2. Valid ID 3.Credit Card used in the transaction 不過~~~又撞牆了!!~~經過數封信件來往,原來飛鷹要我依據 If you are NOT the credit card owner: 1.Ticket 2. Facsimile of the Credit Card 3. Facsimile of the valid ID of the card owner 4. Valid ID of the duly authorized representative 見鬼了,所以,不得已我又寫了一封AUTHORIZATION LETTER 唉~~~~~~~~~為了這封AUTHORIZATION LETTER 又鬼撞牆了~#%%%&&*&@%*&^(N)

這是菲鷹航空 要我提供的證件,不知為什麼菲鷹航空自己一直鬼撞牆,不同客服,要一樣的東西,難道他們都不交接嗎?時間來到3月30日~~ Dear Mr. Hu, Thank your for choosing PAL Express. We would like to inform you that your itinerary has been canceled as per your request. In order to complete the refund process, kindly visit any PAL Express Ticket Offices. Please present the following requirements when processing your refund: If you are the credit card owner: 1. Ticket 2. Valid ID 3.Credit Card used in the transaction If you are NOT the credit card owner: 1.Ticket 2. Facsimile of the Credit Card 3. Facsimile of the valid ID of the card owner 4. Valid ID of the duly authorized representative 5. Written authorization from the card owner that must be duly signed and acknowledged by the authorized representative concerned. Sincerely yours, Margo PAL Express Reservations

我一直不曉得你遇到的困難是什麼,當初我因為它航班提早幾十分鐘而選擇退費,一切都很順利,表格填好需要的證件也掃描email就完成,不知道你為什麼說還要交涉才肯退費,不同客服也不是什麼問題,你怎會把自己搞得這樣心浮氣躁,airphil退費的人不少,相較於其它廉航只能退成voucher,我覺得airphil好很多。 我遇到的困難是: 1.菲鷹航空不肯全部退費(而我也委屈地接受了!!),而我,是菲鷹航空取消航線的受害者!!還好的是~~預定的房間,取消免罰,否則損失更大,而這些菲鷹航空是不管的(其他航空公司也一樣~~這我能理解). 2.不同的客服,一再要我的a.信用卡資料,b.有效個人證明文件(我的護照),c.機票影本(只有電子機票,菲鷹航空自己的網站就有阿,還要我提供!!)...不同的人,每天跟你要一樣的東西,你說煩不煩? 3.好了!!終於有客服e-mail給我接受我的申請了,但是不同的客服又跟我要英文版的繳費收據!! 可能是我的英文不夠好吧?我第一次跟旅友請教的是這段英文:This is to acknowledge the receipt of your refund documents. We will inform you once your request have been processed at our end.(google的翻譯是:這是為了確認收到您的退稅文件。我們會通知你,一旦你的請求已經在我們的最終處理。),我想確認,他們有沒有接受我的申請,我是不是只要等待他們退款就好。 4.我向銀行申請英文版的繳費收據,可是,我刷卡的第一銀行,只能提供當初的授權碼,第一銀行沒有英文版的繳費收據.為了這事又寫了幾次信.(這件事唯一的好處,就是讓我練英文~~苦笑^o)) 5.請教你:填好需要的證件也掃描email就完成:是什麼意思??? 我掃描了信用卡.護照 簽證 下載電子機票 ,掃描後附上,就這幾樣也重複寄了幾次. 讓我附上他們的來函你幫忙看看吧!! 這是他們說不能全部退費,~~-而我僅能接受的部分8o|: Dear Mr. Hu, Greetings! Thank you for choosing PAL Express. In response to your concern, please be informed that the total amount you pay is Php7,544.00. However the amount to be refunded is Php6,984.00. Please be advised that Service Fee (Php140.00 per passenger) is not refundable. For further assistance, you may call our Contact Center at (02) 855-9000 at anytime. Our Contact Center is open 24 hours a day, 7days a week or you may email us at [email protected]. Thank you for having PAL Express (formerly Airphil Express) as the airline of your choice. We will be more than happy to assist you again on your future flights with us. Sincerely yours, Margo

AirPhil Express的中文是菲鷹航空


版主, 不是"宿霧航空"啦, 麻煩更正一下, 以正視聽, 謝謝 因為用複製~~貼上,一時大意 複製錯了 sorry 和我argue的是AirPhil Express 或是 PAL express 不是宿霧航空 以下是3月25日來函: Dear Mr. Hu, Greetings! Thank you for your email to PAL Express. With regard to your concern, the total amount that will be refunded to you is PHP6,984.00 which is also the total amount of ticket that you purchased online. For further assistance, you may send us your email at [email protected] or you may call our contact center at (02) 855-9000 anytime. Our contact center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thank you for having PAL Express as the airline of your choice. We will be more than happy to assist you again on your future flights with us. Sincerely yours, Annie

宿霧航空的辦事效率,和行政流程,真的會讓我吐血, 為了退費金額,用洋涇幫英文跟宿霧航空爭論了好幾天,後來... (恕刪) Please be advised that refund process may take 50-60 banking days. Please advise us accordingly so we may process your request. Thank you, Annie PAL Express Reservations 版主, 不是"宿霧航空"啦, 麻煩更正一下, 以正視聽, 謝謝

AirPhil Express的辦事效率,和行政流程,真的會讓我吐血, 為了退費金額,用洋涇幫英文跟宿霧航空爭論了好幾天,後來... 我妥協了,但是事情就解決了嗎?並沒有8o| 接下來是他們要我提供證明證件,而且~~~~~而且~~~~~ 各位看官注意,他們每天都有不同的客服人員, 這件事,就像撞牆一樣,不停地跳針. 各位看官,這件事還沒解決,有沒有人提供一點意見 我煩死了,......以下是3/23AirPhil Express來函: Dear Mr. Hu, Greetings! Thank you for your email to PAL Express. We understand that you wish to cancel your flight/s with us. For verification purposes, kindly provide the following information: Reservation Code: ______________________ Passenger Name/s: ______________________ Name of the Person/Travel Agent who made the Reservation: _____________________ Please be advised that refund process may take 50-60 banking days. Please advise us accordingly so we may process your request. Thank you, Annie PAL Express Reservations

這次事件會拖這麼久,主要的癥結,在於退款金額的數目.我要求全退,但AirPhil Express無法全退,造成 一argument,最後,我妥協了.我付了7544php+80NT,但AirPhil Express只願退Php6, 984,我想已經argue一個月了,算了,就這樣吧!!如果,再拖下去,我的心情和正常的工作都會影響.何況我受的影響還不只於此....,當然,我也想過,把天使城的訂房退了,到馬尼拉去搭機吧,但是,就是感覺又不是我的錯,憑什麼不退我錢?後來,宿霧航空promo 克拉克到宿霧 10Php,我也順利買到8張10元來回機票,就此,決定退票,.... 我妥協了,事情就解決了嗎?並沒有^o), 詳情待續~~~(因打字很慢,有空就打,沒空就先放著),以下是AirPhil Express來函: Dear Mr. Hu, Greetings! Thank you for your email to PAL Express. With regard to your concern, the total amount that will be refunded to you is PHP6,984.00 which is also the total amount of ticket that you purchased online. For further assistance, you may send us your email at [email protected] or you may call our contact center at (02) 855-9000 anytime. Our contact center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thank you for having PAL Express as the airline of your choice. We will be more than happy to assist you again on your future flights with us. Sincerely yours, Annie-------------------------------------

833122 833164 因為,訂了亞航的國際段便宜機票,因此又訂了AirPhil Express的國內段機票,目標是愛尼島,誰知被擺了一道~~AirPhil Express於2月中通知: We regret to inform you that AirPhil Express has been temporarily cancelled its operations for route Clark to Puerto Princesa and vice versa until further notice due to re-alignment of resources and operations. Kindly take note of the changes on your flight details below, particularly the Departure/Arrival Terminal FLIGHT NO. DATE ROUTE STATUS ETD ETA DEPARTURE TERMINAL FBA REMARKS 2P 775 05-SEP CRKPPS Cancelled 1055A 1210P CLARK 10 Kilos Old Schedule 2P 943 05-SEP MNLPPS Confirmed 1100A 1220P NAIA TERMINAL 3 10 Kilos New Schedule 我的出發機場,從克拉克改到馬尼拉,因為是AirPhil Express單方面的變更,因此,我申請退費~~自助旅行的前輩都知道,自助旅行會有很多的變數,尤其是機票和旅社 酒店的預定,最重要的還是時間和金錢的成本.過程容後再一一打字報告,先跳到結局,請問大家,今天接到AirPhil Express 來函如下: This is to acknowledge the receipt of your refund documents. We will inform you once your request have been processed at our end.因為我都是用google 翻譯,所以,不是很確定, AirPhil Express 的意思.請問:他們已經接受我的申請了,或是已經確認要退錢,或是等待進一步地確認.因為AirPhil Express說:退錢需要50~60個銀行工作天,我怕沒搞清楚,到時候,連幫朋友代買的,都要賠進去,虧大了!! P.S: 1.上傳WORD的檔案可以及時在網頁顯示嗎?(我用小畫家把它當成一個物件上傳) 2.AirPhil Express改名事件,對此事的影響?