前往 【懶人包】餐廳訂位-常見問題-燒肉同話Chagether Yakiniku - 自助

發布時間: 2020-11-02
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往【懶人包】餐廳訂位-常見問題-燒肉同話Chagether Yakiniku - 自助 ...




我只能說 無解 當初 有輸入信用卡卡號 但沒被扣款 就不了了之了 機票也沒訂成功

我今天訂也有相同的問題 今天回信了 但也還沒收到回覆 想問也有人遇到嗎?? 該如何解決

今天上onetravel訂票網 訂了從台北_巴里島機票 中華航空 但他們回復我mail 叫我回復他們有關international ticket number的東西 想請問有哪位大大們知道 這是什麼?? 我該回復什麼?? 訂票到底有成功嗎?? 謝謝 我有回信 但還沒得到回覆!! Dear XXX, Thank You for booking with OneTravel.com. This is in reference to booking number # 190XXXX. The booking is created using a special fare of China Airlines. The Airline is requesting some additional information in order to process the ticket. We request that you provide us with the international ticket number that you will use or you have already used on any airline to fly form the Americas (USA, Canada, Central America, South America and the Caribbean) to Asia across the Pacific. Please reply to our request with the required details by forwarding this email to [email protected] or call us at our toll free number 800-676-9505. Fares are not guaranteed until tickets are issued. Thank you, OneTravel.com