前往 【 旅遊】Aer lingus 愛爾蘭航空| 行李托運| 手提

發布時間: 2020-10-31
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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真是太感謝你們的熱心幫忙尤其是ordtpe 謝謝

Dublin只有一個機場. 機場官網有機場來回市區的巴士資訊 http://www.dublinairport.com/gns/to-from-the-airport/by-bus-or-coach.aspx

若你住在Paddywagon Hostel, 它有提供機場到hostel的免費shuttle bus 來回都有, 皆是整點發車, 若去程是1:00 3:00 5:00, 回程就是2:00 4:00 6:00 單程約二十五分鐘, 或可搭此付費型公車 http://www.dublinbus.ie/en/Your-Journey1/Timetables/Airport-Services/ Airlingus的服務很好, 去年八月底, 機場大門一開, 就有Airlingus的服務員上來問我是搭哪一航空的, 剛好也是搭Airlingus的, 所以直接引領至他們的check in 櫃台

是的,買plus fare就享有一件免費行李. 有很多方法可以check in,網上,機場櫃台,或機場的自動機器(kiosk)都可以.全都是免費的. 詳細資訊: 機場check in http://www.aerlingus.com/help/help/airportinformation/#d.en.1566 網上check in http://www.aerlingus.com/help/help/manageyourbooking/#d.en.1608 愛爾蘭英國間的航線甚至30天前就可以check in了. 線上check in登機證能印下來當然最好,以節省時間.真的沒印表機可印,一般來講到了機場還是可以用自動機器或請櫃台來印,只是那就要排隊了.線上check in印出登機證後,到了機場直接到專門處理行李的櫃台交託運行李即可.注意,至少45分鐘前要託運. 還有,Aer Lingus是愛爾蘭的國航,不是廉價航空喔. 真是萬分的感 謝你了:-D 不知到方便再請問你一個問題嗎? 如果我買Aer Lingus機票到機場搭機 請問Dublin只有一個機場嗎?如何從Dublin市區到機場? 第一次到 Dublin,不好意思麻煩你了 Thanks a lot

是的,買plus fare就享有一件免費行李. 有很多方法可以check in,網上,機場櫃台,或機場的自動機器(kiosk)都可以.全都是免費的. 詳細資訊: 機場check in http://www.aerlingus.com/help/help/airportinformation/#d.en.1566 網上check in http://www.aerlingus.com/help/help/manageyourbooking/#d.en.1608 愛爾蘭英國間的航線甚至30天前就可以check in了. 線上check in登機證能印下來當然最好,以節省時間.真的沒印表機可印,一般來講到了機場還是可以用自動機器或請櫃台來印,只是那就要排隊了.線上check in印出登機證後,到了機場直接到專門處理行李的櫃台交託運行李即可.注意,至少45分鐘前要託運. 還有,Aer Lingus是愛爾蘭的國航,不是廉價航空喔.

根據連結 (http://www.aerlingus.com/help/help/baggageinformation/#d.en.1222)的資訊 If your booking was made on aerlingus.com you can book bags in advance by clicking here: Book Bag in Advance ( http://www.aerlingus.com/cgi-bin/obel01im1/bookonline/retrievePNRSelectOption.do ). 所以就是買了票以後,上那連結去買行李. 預買費用看你旅行的日期,可能15歐(12磅)或20歐(18磅).至於會用歐元還是英鎊來收,可能是看你從那裡出發吧(我猜的). 以下黃色重點是有關你的問題: 766707 真是太感謝了 我有28吋行李一件 我想我會訂Plus Fare 票 其實這和買Low Fare 在加買行李是一樣的價格因為我是7月去的 只要不超過20kg 就不再需要買行李對吧? 登機前需先online check in 嗎? 要自己印bording card 嗎? 還有什麼需要注意? 第一次搭廉價航空沒有經驗有點擔心弄錯意思會被罰 謝謝你的熱心回答

Thanks,請問如果買Low Fare 我要去那買行李在網頁上看了好久只看到首頁有個Travel Essentials 請問是先買票之後在到這買嗎? Travel Essentials -Checked Bags / Excess Baggage 行李費是20euro對嗎? Thanks for reply 根據連結 (http://www.aerlingus.com/help/help/baggageinformation/#d.en.1222)的資訊 If your booking was made on aerlingus.com you can book bags in advance by clicking here: Book Bag in Advance ( http://www.aerlingus.com/cgi-bin/obel01im1/bookonline/retrievePNRSelectOption.do ). 所以就是買了票以後,上那連結去買行李. 預買費用看你旅行的日期,可能15歐(12磅)或20歐(18磅).至於會用歐元還是英鎊來收,可能是看你從那裡出發吧(我猜的). 以下黃色重點是有關你的問題: 766707

簡言之: 短程 (Ireland/UK/Europe) Low Fare - 每件都要收費. Plus Fare - 第一件免費,第二,三要收費. Flex Fare - 兩件免費,第三件要收費. 最多三件.每件20KG限量.單件超過20KG,要收超重費.單件最多不能超過32KG. 每件收費價如表列.網上預買會比到了機場才買便宜.網上預買最晚要在起飛前兩個小時完成,否則就得在機場付較高的價錢買. Thanks,請問如果買Low Fare 我要去那買行李在網頁上看了好久只看到首頁有個Travel Essentials 請問是先買票之後在到這買嗎? Travel Essentials -Checked Bags / Excess Baggage 行李費是20euro對嗎? Thanks for reply

簡言之: 短程 (Ireland/UK/Europe) Low Fare - 每件都要收費. Plus Fare - 第一件免費,第二,三要收費. Flex Fare - 兩件免費,第三件要收費. 最多三件.每件20KG限量.單件超過20KG,要收超重費.單件最多不能超過32KG. 每件收費價如表列.網上預買會比到了機場才買便宜.網上預買最晚要在起飛前兩個小時完成,否則就得在機場付較高的價錢買.

各位大大幫忙了! 考慮要搭Aer Lingus From Dublin (DUB) To Edinburgh (EDI) 請問搭過的前輩Aer Lingus 行李要不要收費 我知道廉價航空一般要買行李費 我在他的網頁研究了半天看不到加行李的地方 只有一個Checked Bag Fees 的網頁 內頁的選項有 Checked Baggage - Shorthaul flights (Ireland/UK/Europe) Baggage Information Check-in baggage fees apply as detailed below. Aer Lingus does not charge additional Airport Check-in fees for individuals with check-in baggage. Some other airlines require you to add an airport check-in fee to the checked baggage fee. Checked bag fees (per bag, per one-way flight): Bag fees (per bag, per one-way flight) Online (01 Oct - 31 May) Online (01 Jun - 30 Sep) Airport (01 Oct - 31 May) Airport (01 Jun - 30 Sep) Applicable on flights between € £ € £ € £ € £ Cork/Dublin/Knock/Shannon UK/Europe 15 12 20 18 30 24 35 29 Cork/Dublin Athens, Bourgas, Bucharest, Catania, Corfu, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Izmir, Lanzarote, Tenerife 20 18 25 20 40 36 45 38 Belfast/London Gatwick UK/Europe 15 12 20 18 30 24 35 29 Low Fare Checked baggage weighing in total up to 20kgs will be charged the discount fee per bag per flight if bags are booked up to two hours prior to departure on aerlingus.com. Alternatively a standard fee per bag per flight will be charged at the airport on day of departure. > Plus Fare 1 checked bag weighing in total up to 20kgs can be booked free of charge. The online discount fee will be charged per bag per flight for 2nd and subsequent bags if bags are booked up to two hours prior to departure on aerlingus.com. Alternatively a standard fee per bag per flight will be charged at the airport on day of departure. > Flex Fare 2 checked bags weighing in total up to 20kgs can be booked free of charge. The online discount fee will be charged per bag per flight for 3rd and subsequent bags if bags are booked up to two hours prior to departure on aerlingus.com. Alternatively a standard fee per bag per flight will be charged at the airport on day of departure. > Baggage Allowance A maximum of 3 bags per passenger can be booked on the website, however, a maximum of 20kgs (44lbs) in total baggage weight for each passenger checking in bags is permitted (excluding infants). No pooling or sharing of baggage allowances is permitted, even within a party travelling on the same booking. Excess weight will be charged €9 or equivalent for each additional kilo per flight exceeding the maximum baggage allowance if the excess weight fee is paid up to two hours prior to departure on aerlingus.com, or alternatively the standard excess weight fee of €15 will be charged at the airport on day of departure. The fees are non-refundable. Exceptional items such as golf bags or skis will be charged at the applicable rate. See Sports Equipment Information for details. A buggy/stroller is carried free of charge for passengers travelling with an infant. All medical equipment, e.g. dialysis machines and wheelchairs, is carried free of charge. Small musical instruments may qualify as hand baggage. Medium sized instruments may be carried in the cabin if the passenger purchases an individual seat for the instrument. If the instrument will not fit in the extra seat, it must be checked in and normal excess baggage rates apply. 看完這一串我還是霧殺殺 我考慮買Low Fare票請較有經驗的大大 是不是20公斤內的行李要不要收費 20公斤以上才要收費? 20公斤內的行李拖運只要先在網上Checked in 就不收費是嗎? 我擔心我誤解意思沒買行李 請有經驗的人和我說明一下嗎? 謝謝 Checked baggage weighing in total up to 20kgs will be charged the discount fee per bag per flight if bags are booked up to two hours prior to departure on aerlingus.com. Alternatively a standard fee per bag per flight will be charged at the airport on day of departure.