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听朋友说持马国护照进进出出新加坡 累积住满60天 星国移民官会告知你1个月后才能再 入境喔!!! 謝謝大家的回覆...不好意思...這麼久才回來這 五十岚亮 說的對... 我從新加坡移民廳得到的回覆如下: 3 Malaysian visitors are strictly subject to the 60 out of 90 days rule which states that a person may remain in Singapore only for an accumulative period of not more than 60 days within a 3-month period. This rule however, should not be construed as an entitlement. The granting of visit passes to visitors is determined by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority officers at the point of entry. 4 Malaysian visitors, including Temporary Work Permit holders, are strictly subject to the 60 out of 90 days rule which states that a person may remain in Singapore only for an accumulative period of not more than 60 days within a 3-month period. However, this rule should not be construed as an entitlement. The granting of social visit pass as well as the period of stay issued to visitors is determined by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority officers at the point of entry. It will be calculated based on the number of days visitors are physically in Singapore and not the number of days granted by our Checkpoint Duty Officers. 看來, 我還是得申請工作證...要不然...萬一有事要處理 又進不了新加坡大門..就慘了

聽朋友說持馬國護照進進出出新加坡 累積住滿60天 星國移民官會告知你1個月後才能再 入境喔!!!

(T)tero, 新加坡没有限定马来西亚公民出入境的次数,还有免签证30天。

新加坡及馬來西亞同是東盟(協)國成員, 不是互免入境簽証的嗎?

我是大馬人..不過任職在台灣的公司 五年前被調回大馬分公司...還好, 自己的國家, 沒有簽證的問題 今年三月...被調去新加坡... 因為暫時不想申請當地的工作准證 想從大馬進進出出新加坡... 聽朋友說, 新加坡有限定大馬人一年呆在新加坡的總天數...或入出境的次數 不知有沒有人有這方面的資訊... 可以分享或告知... 謝謝