前往 新加坡傑里恩克拉克碼頭飯店(Jayleen Clarke Quay ... - A

發布時間: 2020-07-14
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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自從電子化之後,這種事情層出不窮 有Dell 筆電事件,華航機票事件,也有許多旅行社和旅館的出包事件 運氣好的就是該單位承認錯,自己吃下來,不過賴皮的也不少,唉~~

這個網站還能繼續往好的方向發展才有鬼呢? 窮游網上有個人用54馬幣住了KL香格裡拉一天。因為網站把504的價格弄錯了,變成了54 後來酒店(他是在某個訂房網站訂的,但是跟他協調的是酒店)發郵件告訴他弄錯了。提出了504的價格但是給升級,他不同意,後來交涉了幾封郵件,酒店同意他以54馬幣的價格入駐~~ 所以我覺得,這種事情應該是直接聯繫酒店,樓主的情況跟窮網上這個驢友很像~~

二周前,我通过HOTELCLUB订了曼谷的酒店,四星,价格很低,那个时候当然觉得很高兴,也马上收到了确认信和入住单. 今天早上,我收到了HOTELCLUB一个名叫Florence McMillan的人来信,他告诉我因为酒店的广告错误,所以我之前订的那个酒店价格不能用了,至少要1800THB一晚.原文如下: Dear **, > Thank you for using the hotel reservation service with > HotelClub. > This service is powered by HotelClub. > Booking ID: 37578334 > Hotel: Amari Atrium Bangkok > Check In: 10-Feb-10 > Check Out: 16-Feb-10 Please be advised that we have just been contacted by the Amari Atrium Bangkok. They have informed us that there was a serious error with the rates advertised online at the time of booking and these can not be honoured. Due to the extremely low rates provided online, the hotel has not been able to confirm at these prices and can only confirm your reservation at the rate of THB 1,800 per night > > If you do not wish to proceed with the reservation at the above price, we will provide you with a full refund back onto your account. If you do this, you can certainly go back online to www.hotelclub.com to rebook another property. Please advise by return email within 72 hours as to whether you wish to rebook at the above price or accept a full refund. 我收到这封信,非常的气愤,因为我在收到确认单和入住信以后,为了核实,还专门打到曼谷酒店去问,并且给HOTELCLUB发了邮件去核实,他们回复我,不管什么什么情况,只要我持有酒店入住单,酒店就一定让我入住,原文如下: Dear Yan Dai, Thank you for your e mail. Please be inform that your booking is been confirmed as per your requirement and if you have receive a confirmation voucher then the hotel will definitely honour your booking. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, Rick SALES AND SERVICE CONSULTANT HOTELCLUB 早上接到那个叫Florence McMillan邮件的时候真的气得吐血,马上回复了,我不能接受这种处理方式,因为我已经按酒店的入住时间安排了整个行程,还有机票.哪知道还有接着吐血的事,下午的时候,他又给我回邮件了,说上午跟我说的价格说错了,那间酒店要5700THB一晚,并且说明了他的职位,原文如下: Dear *, Thank you for your email and again we apologise for all the inconvenience caused here. The rate error was a result of a USD rate being displayed as THB. The correct rate was in fact USD 172 per night however it was shown as THB 172. If you convert the rate of USD 172 to THB than it is actually THB 5710 per night (approx and as of today’s exchange rate). The rate that has been offered in my previous email is discounted & considerably less than the correct rate above. We understand that this is inconvenient and besides accepting the rate above we can certainly also offer you a full refund so that you are able to rebook other accommodation for your group if this is more convenient for you. Regards Florence Florence McMillan Resolution and Retention Desk – Senior Consultant HotelClub | Level 29 680 George Street. PO Box Q773, QVB Post Office Sydney NSW 1230 Australia p | +61 2 8263 5141 f | +61 2 9264 0948 e | [email protected] w | HotelClub.com | RatesToGo.com | asia-hotels.com | ABN 85 092 445 442 Check out the new look HotelClub Travel Blog 我又再回复说,我已经不想再跟他说什么了.然后狂吐血,他直接把我的预定CANCEL掉了,用RESERVATION的E-MAIL给我发了封取消邮件,说我的钱十天以内还. 原来HotelClub.com | RatesToGo.com | asia-hotels.com 这三家酒店预定网站其实是属于一家的, 来自漂漂,吐血身亡的报道 24.11.2009