前往 常旅客RK 專欄:加拿大航空溫哥華轉機經驗分享- TripGoKing

發布時間: 2020-11-01
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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來不及轉機就不會開這樣的票給你.只要沒誤點,45分鐘夠的. 住宿提供如上面littleko所給的連結: Overnight Accommodations and Other Expenses C. Reaching Your Destination It is our goal to get you to your destination safely and ontime. However, if circumstances within our control, such as aircraft “swaps,” cause you to miss the last possible flight (or connection) of the day to your destination, our Customer Service personnel have the authority to arrange for overnight lodging. We will find a hotel or motel as near to the airport as possible, and at no additional cost to you. We may also arrange for ground transportation to the overnight facility. If the cause of your inconvenience is not within our means of control, we will do our best to assist you by securing a discounted rate at a hotel or motel at or near the airport. We do not pay for tickets on other airlines or absorb the difference between our fares and higher fares on other airlines. If you wish, however, we will refund your Southwest ticket. 如果誤點原因是航空公司的問題,那就可能提供隔夜住宿.如果非航空公司問題(譬如天氣),那住宿費用要自理,但是它們可以幫忙訂和他們有合作的旅館享有折扣.

Southwest比較特別一點,如果怕有甚麼趕不上飛機的狀況,還是買個旅遊不便險比較安心點. http://www.southwest.com/assets/pdfs/corporate-commitments/customer-service-commitment.pdf

1.一般國內航線 提到1.5-2小時到機場就可以了嗎 A: 可以 2.這種轉機方式中間隔45分鐘會不會趕到來不及 行李需要重新拿重新託運嗎 還是可以直掛? A: 可直掛 3.有人搭過西南航空 若是班機來不及 會安排其他航班嗎 若要過夜航空公司是否會安排住宿呢?? A: 若是航空公司導致的delay,那他們會負責;不清楚會不會安排住宿

各位前輩大家好! 小弟今年暑假會去美國一趟 會飛西南航空的國內航線 兩段都是西南 在他們官網買的 航程如下 20:00從RDU出發到BWI 中間隔40min再到目的地BUF Fri Jul 26 1628 Depart RALEIGH DURHAM NC (RDU) on Southwest Airlines at 8:00 PM Arrive in BALTIMORE WASHNTN (BWI) at 9:15 PM Wanna Get Away 416 Change planes to Southwest Airlines in BALTIMORE WASHNTN (BWI) at 9:55 PM Arrive in BUFFALO NY (BUF) at 11:00 PM Travel Time 3 hrs 0 mins Wanna Get Away 有幾個問題想請教 1.一般國內航線 提到1.5-2小時到機場就可以了嗎 2.這種轉機方式中間隔45分鐘會不會趕到來不及 行李需要重新拿重新託運嗎 還是可以直掛? 3.有人搭過西南航空 若是班機來不及 會安排其他航班嗎 若要過夜航空公司是否會安排住宿呢?? 謝謝大家 第一次要在美國轉機!! 有點緊張 希望一切順利...