前往 土耳其航空Turkish Airlines 轉機一日遊,暢遊伊斯坦堡交通

發布時間: 2020-08-06
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往土耳其航空Turkish Airlines 轉機一日遊,暢遊伊斯坦堡交通 ...




請教一下有申請過"免費觀光"經驗的. "However, if your destination can be reached by an alternative flight to your first flight and the waiting time is less, you cannot take advantage of the hotel service. This service is not applicable when there is a shorter connection available within the time frame mentioned above." "The layover time is calculated on the schedule not your booking. Let me explain: If the schedule shows an outgoing flight within the 10/7 hours window, even if you are not booked on the earlier flight (or couldn't book because it was full), you won't be able to take advantage of the free hotel/tour offer." 如果要搭TK25 4:25到土耳其, 16:55轉機布拉格(但在這期間其實有更靠近4:25的航班) 請問這樣免費旅遊9:00-13:00的參加會有問題嗎? 在櫃台申請時, 他們有檢查有更早航班這件事嗎? 申請櫃台會排很長隊伍嗎? 感謝:-D 那個規定是住宿的規定。至於免費觀光,至少現在土航官網上沒有這樣的限制,只說中間要6-24小時,而且要能剛好配合tour的時段。所以我推測你這應該沒問題。 http://www.istanbulinhours.com/faq http://www.turkishairlines.com/en-int/corporate/announcements/announcement/free-tours-of-istanbul-for-turkish-airlines-transfer-passengers

請教一下有申請過"免費觀光"經驗的. "However, if your destination can be reached by an alternative flight to your first flight and the waiting time is less, you cannot take advantage of the hotel service. This service is not applicable when there is a shorter connection available within the time frame mentioned above." "The layover time is calculated on the schedule not your booking. Let me explain: If the schedule shows an outgoing flight within the 10/7 hours window, even if you are not booked on the earlier flight (or couldn't book because it was full), you won't be able to take advantage of the free hotel/tour offer." 如果要搭TK25 4:25到土耳其, 16:55轉機布拉格(但在這期間其實有更靠近4:25的航班) 請問這樣免費旅遊9:00-13:00的參加會有問題嗎? 在櫃台申請時, 他們有檢查有更早航班這件事嗎? 申請櫃台會排很長隊伍嗎? 感謝:-D

喔, 原來如此! 謝謝版主!!

將搭乘土耳其航空前往義大利西西里島,在伊斯坦堡轉機會超過10小時,想申請過境旅館,但相關資料卻大都以Free Tour為主,不知是否有前輩已使用土耳其航空這項免費過境旅館服務, 最想知道是: 1. 開票前或後要提出申請? 2. 可請旅行社代申請? 或需個人申請,如何申請? 3. 需準備土耳其簽證嗎? 4. 過境旅館會在機場內嗎? 敬請前輩們分享經驗,萬分感謝! 前一篇給的連結有去看嗎? 1. Do You Provide Accommodation Services at Transit Locations to Passengers Who Have Connecting Flights? A complimentary hotel accommodation (maximum 2 nights) will be provided to our valuable passengers when there are more than 10 hours (for economy cabin passengers) and 7 or more hours (for business cabin passengers) waiting during their international connecting flights due to Turkish Airlines’ schedule structure. This service is not applicable when there is a shorter connection available within the time frame mentioned above. The first and the connecting flights must be with Turkish Airlines. All passengers must hold a confirmed reservation for the first and the connecting flights. Complimentary accommodation will be arranged with Turkish Airlines’ corporate partners and will be provided through the “Hotel Desk” located after the customs’ check point at the arrival. Passengers must check for any visa requirements when entering Turkey. In the event where a visa is not granted, Turkish Airlines assumes no responsibility for providing complimentary hotel accommodation. For further information, please call +90 212 4440849. 要先入境,所以必須要有簽證。入境之後直接到“Hotel Desk”辦理手續,不是事先申請的。 另外不是說只要超過10小時就一定會有。要看你到西西里島的班機是否還有前一班是在10個小時內的,如果有的話,那就算你的班次是超過10小時也不合資格。 要更詳細的,參考國外論壇flyertalk裏這一篇,裏面有圖片: http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/turkish-airlines-miles-smiles/1429423-faq-8-free-hotel-tour-when-connecting-ist.html

將搭乘土耳其航空前往義大利西西里島,在伊斯坦堡轉機會超過10小時,想申請過境旅館,但相關資料卻大都以Free Tour為主,不知是否有前輩已使用土耳其航空這項免費過境旅館服務, 最想知道是: 1. 開票前或後要提出申請? 2. 可請旅行社代申請? 或需個人申請,如何申請? 3. 需準備土耳其簽證嗎? 4. 過境旅館會在機場內嗎? 敬請前輩們分享經驗,萬分感謝!

只有國際轉國際(international transit)才能申請這服務。國際轉國內,或國內轉國際都不符合條件。 官網詳情: 過境旅遊: http://www.istanbulinhours.com/faq 旅館: http://www.turkishairlines.com/en-int/travel-information/frequently-asked-questions/travel-information/special-service-requests 此外如果是長時間的國際轉機,就算兩者條件都符合,也只能選一個而以。

請教一下關於土耳其航空推出的伊斯坦堡免費一日遊。 預計是要從台北飛羅馬 中間停留土耳其5天玩耍,土耳其預計要去棉堡跟卡帕多奇亞,現在看了一下轉機的時間如下,因為到伊斯坦堡之後下個轉機點是土耳其國內…不知道這樣有沒有符合土航伊斯坦堡一日遊還有過境旅館的資格? 請各位大大解惑。 如果可以參加一日遊,是不是一開始跟旅行社買票就要買IST-NAV的票? 還是土航國內線可以自己上網買? 謝謝。 I’D LIKE TO KNOW WHEATHER WE CAN JOIN 1 DAY TOURISTANBUL WHEN WE TRASFER FLIGHT AT ISTANBUL? FLIGHT AS BELOW. IF YES, SHOULD BE BOOK TPE-NEV FLIGHT BY TAIPEI (21:50)-ISTANBUL (05:05) ISTANBUL (19:40)-NEVSEHIR (21:05) 第一段 10/1 -10/6 TAIPEI (21:50)-ISTANBUL (05:05) ISTANBUL (19:40)-NEVSEHIR (21:05) 這段可以參加伊斯坦堡一日遊嗎? 第二段 10/7 DENIZLI(19:40)-ISTANBUL (20:45) ISTANDUL (08:00)-ROMA (10:00) 這段停留時間超過6個小時,可以換過境旅館嗎? 10/20 米蘭-台北 謝謝各位!!! ;-)