前往 長灘島長灘島金鳳凰飯店(Boracay Golden Phoenix Hotel)線上

發布時間: 2020-09-29
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往長灘島長灘島金鳳凰飯店(Boracay Golden Phoenix Hotel)線上 ...




太超過了!金鳳凰酒店欺騙顧客還死不承認!今天到金鳳凰酒店,我們把agoda那張訂單給櫃檯看,他說agoda沒有跟它們確認訂單,所以沒有房間,但是我告掃他我前幾個李白才寫信到agoda去確認訂單,他們說沒有問題,但是金鳳凰不承認他有接受這張訂單,他叫我們換到另外一間很爛的 “Bamboo Beach Resort Restaurant & Bar”,我們十個大人擠在六人房的房間,裡面連被子,枕頭,毛巾,盥洗用具都沒有,這樣根本不能睡覺。我們打給agoda請他連繫金鳳凰,在agoda多次逼問下,他們承認他們超收客人,這期間是新年,而確實他們在2010五月的時候有回覆給agoda確認這筆訂單,所以金鳳凰欺騙我們說我們的訂單沒有被確認,而且他那裏一間房間都不剩。Agoda請我們自己去找飯店,他們說網路上都沒有房間,所以只好請我們自己去找,後來還好找到了”Villa De Oro”,但也是差強人意,我們10個大人還是要睡擠一點,但總比沒有被子睡覺好,我真的非常生氣,金鳳凰沒有拿出誠意來解決這個問題,居然還欺騙顧客,這種飯店誰敢去住,請跟我一起抵制金鳳凰,agoda說會退我們全額,再加一晚的房價給我們,但是金鳳凰連一點賠償都沒有,請告訴妳們的朋友,長灘島有很多飯店,但千萬不要去住金鳳凰。 Golden Phoenix cheated customer. We booked Golden Phoenix in April 2011, the date is from 25 January 2012 – 28 January 2012 (total 3 nights). Before we arriving, we have been double checked to agoda(the hotel agency). They told us the reservation is valid. However, when we arrived to Golden Phoenix, the staff told us our reservation has not been confirmed. So, we couldn’t live in Golden Phoenix. They send us to the other hotel named “Bamboo Beach Resort Restaurant & Bar” and forced us (we have 10 adults) live in one family room (only 6 beds). No bed sheet, no shampoo, no towel in the room. We called agoda immediately, they told us Golden Phoenix admitted they have been confirmed this reservation for 5 rooms in May 2010,during this period (Chinese new year) they overbooking so Golden Phoenix cheated us this reservation has not been confirmed and also cheated agoda. We are very angry, how dare they can cheat their customer. They need to tell us honestly rather than cheated us. No compensations from Golden Phoenix, but agoda gave as refund and pay us one extra night. Please, boycott Golden Phoenix in your list. Bad attitude, bad service, bad reputation.