前往 菲航捷運竭力實現客戶滿意 - Philippine Airl

發布時間: 2020-10-30
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往菲航捷運竭力實現客戶滿意 - Philippine Airlines




是的,買一個商品之前最好先讀清楚合約的內容 才不會後悔 很多廉價航空甚至美加地區的主流航空的特價票都是不能退費,改票還要罰款 看看你要放棄這張票,還是要在期限內再安排一次旅行,使用這段票 (可以改去它的其他航點)

昨天宿霧太平洋90% off 特價 一直想去長灘島的我終於付諸行動 跟男友齊心協力 搶到了台北到馬尼拉來回特價機票 後來 我又訂了菲律賓航空的馬尼拉到kalibo來回雙人機票 不過後來發現馬尼拉飛到caticlan 是比較合適的方式 轉機航廈也不用換來換去 就又買了宿霧太平洋 馬尼拉到caticlan 來回 問題來了 我需要退掉菲律賓航空馬尼拉到kalibo來回雙人機票(PHP6700) 在網站上遍尋不著退票處 只好用破爛英文寫信去問退票事宜 沒想到今天收到回信如下: We have received your email to Philippine Airlines dated March 8, 2012. We understand that you are requesting to cancel your flights under booking reference CLP4EB. We apologize but we cannot act favorably on your request. We regret to inform you that based on the ticket restrictions, tickets are nonrefundable; however, you may still rebook the tickets and it comes with a rebooking fee of PHP896 per way per passenger. A fare difference will also be assessed depending on the seat availability on your chosen flight date. Please be reminded that the flight reservation should be cancelled 24 hours prior to departure date to avoid a late cancellation fee of PHP672 per sector per passenger. Kindly call our 24-hour Reservations Hotline at (632) 855-8888 for further assistance on flight cancellation and rebooking transaction. We hope this information would be of help. 請問意思是我不能退票 只能改班機或改時間嗎?? (而且每人每段改機票還要多付PHP896) 我知道是我太心急沒仔細做功課造成的後果 不知道有沒有朋友有過類似經驗 可以教教我該怎麼做? 還是就只能自認倒楣 認賠這段機票呢? 謝謝...