前往 【詢問】expedia收據請款問題- 自助旅行問答大全-2020

發布時間: 2020-10-04
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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國外網站.沒有打統編或是公司抬頭的這種服務. 只有台灣繳營業稅的公司才有這種選項. 國外消費.只能報帳.不能抵稅.

Where can I see a receipt of my payment? To view and print a record of your reservation and payment, sign in to your Expedia For TD account and go to My Itineraries (http://www.expediafortd.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=litn&hsuc=1). Your past trips will be listed under "Completed trips." Click the itinerary you wish to view, and scroll down to view the trip details. To print out an itemized view of your expenses, click on "Print Version" in the left column. A printable view of your total payment for this trip appears 資料來源:http://expediatden.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3349/~/where-can-i-see-a-receipt-of-my-payment%3F 我過去自己的做法是, 把expedia來信的email印出來. 這個來信上都有expedia title. 謝謝你 不過這個似乎無法登打公司的抬頭⋯

有在網路上找過,大概是17年的文章有指示如何列印收據, 由於是公司要報帳,因此需要公司的抬頭,但在網頁上找不到可以列印收據的地方, 請問現在expedia是否可以列印收據呢?謝謝! Where can I see a receipt of my payment? To view and print a record of your reservation and payment, sign in to your Expedia For TD account and go to My Itineraries (http://www.expediafortd.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=litn&hsuc=1). Your past trips will be listed under "Completed trips." Click the itinerary you wish to view, and scroll down to view the trip details. To print out an itemized view of your expenses, click on "Print Version" in the left column. A printable view of your total payment for this trip appears 資料來源:http://expediatden.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3349/~/where-can-i-see-a-receipt-of-my-payment%3F 我過去自己的做法是, 把expedia來信的email印出來. 這個來信上都有expedia title.

有在網路上找過,大概是17年的文章有指示如何列印收據, 由於是公司要報帳,因此需要公司的抬頭,但在網頁上找不到可以列印收據的地方, 請問現在expedia是否可以列印收據呢?謝謝!