前往 UUID as Primary Key - Ingram
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- 1閒談軟體架構:UUID
今天聊點不一樣的東西,有點不起眼卻很重要的小玩意:UUID (或是微軟的GUID)。 ... 有順序的UUID 除了排序時方便,在當作MySQL 的主鍵(primary key), ... 閒...
- 2MySQL UUID Smackdown: UUID vs. INT for Primary Key
By using UUID, you can generate the primary key value of the parent table up front and insert row...
- 3UUID as Primary Key - Ingram Chen
UUID as Primary Key. 22 March 2014. 最近有個小小專案,該專案用PostgreSQL,該案按照我們新專案的慣例,採用UUID 當做主鍵,而不是用資料庫自動產生的...
- 4UUID or GUID as Primary Keys? Be Careful! - Tom Harrison's ...
A primary key is, by definition unique within its scope. It is, therefore, an obvious thing to us...
- 5How to use UUID as Primary key instead of auto-increment ...
What is UUID? UUIDs stands for Universally Unique Identifiers, used to uniquely identify the tabl...
- 6Best practices on primary key, auto-increment, and UUID in ...
What I always do, even if it's redundant is I create primary key ... CREATE TABLE users( pk INT N...