前往 一张回国机票18万?!欧洲疫情凶猛,超10万英国民众请求“封

發布時間: 2020-07-27
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往一张回国机票18万?!欧洲疫情凶猛,超10万英国民众请求“封 ...






對台灣的護照來說~~不美麗 因為光簽證費就是一筆負擔 對東南亞國協來說 是滿不錯的 此外,還有機場稅費用

AirAsia Asean Pass for regional travel Thursday, 20 November 2014 By: DANIEL KHOO (http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2014/11/20/AirAsia-Asean-Pass-for-regional-travel/?style=biz) KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia Bhd has introduced its AirAsia Asean Pass where its clients need to buy one pass to travel within the region. The Asean Pass, which will be commercially available in January 2015, involves a credit based system for flights within Asean. The pass will have two options: at RM500 with 10 credits (each credit worth RM50), and the second being priced at RM900 for 20 credits. "This is an ongoing promotion that does not (yet) include airport surcharges. There will be a quota for this which we will decide later. "The pass is valid for a month (from the date of first travel)," said group CEO of AirAsia, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes. AirAsia said the credit-based system acts like a single currency that reduces the hassle of differing foreign exchange rates as routes will be valued according to credits. Pass holders will be able to purchase flights to over 137 routes throughout the region with these credits being priced from one credit up to a maximum of eight credits one way. The pass will have numerous benefits including BIG points which can be used to redeem free AirAsia flights.

對台灣的護照來說~~不美麗 因為光簽證費就是一筆負擔 對東南亞國協來說 是滿不錯的

玩10國? 以亞航的網絡 這是最最理想的情況 絕大部分情況是不可能

http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2014/11/20/AirAsia-Asean-Pass-for-regional-travel/?style=biz 一张机票玩十国,两种价位,马币500和900。明年初开卖!