前往 【2015秋峇里島】亞洲航空_班機延誤證明 延誤保險賠償申請

發布時間: 2020-08-23
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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印亞航X 獲准飛行DPS-MEL 未來將飛行5個澳洲城市 http://www.smh.com.au/business/aviation/indonesia-airasia-x-finally-wins-approval-to-fly-melbournebali-20150304-13uqsd.html

我前幾天也收到亞航的信通知名古屋-吉隆坡航線二月中後要取消... 節錄如下: We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS. The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered as follows: i. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund; or ii. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Credit Shell; or iii. re-route your flight to/from Osaka without any additional cost In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice. 看來還要等亞航對每位乘客個別通知後才能要求退款了。 殘念,這段航線我1.21-2.1剛搭過,原因是~載客率不佳~

馬的,我真的收到取消的信了。 客服中心可以直接幫你退回帳戶或是信用卡!

我是2/27 亞航XT803 10:00~13:50 (改成10:40~14:30) 我打去客服問,他說還沒有這個消息 可是我確實收到信了.... 馬的,我真的收到取消的信了。

我前幾天也收到亞航的信通知名古屋-吉隆坡航線二月中後要取消... 節錄如下: We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS. The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered as follows: i. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund; or ii. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Credit Shell; or iii. re-route your flight to/from Osaka without any additional cost In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice. 看來還要等亞航對每位乘客個別通知後才能要求退款了。 是的!這條航線載客率不佳.我1.21剛從名古屋回吉隆坡

楼主,你必须告诉客服你的选项。 客服不会自动替你安排。

請問你是訂何時的機票? 我有訂3/11mel to dps的飛機 但還沒收到取消的信件 我是2/27 亞航XT803 10:00~13:50 (改成10:40~14:30) 我打去客服問,他說還沒有這個消息 可是我確實收到信了....

請問你是訂何時的機票? 我有訂3/11mel to dps的飛機 但還沒收到取消的信件

可以直接電洽各國的亞航客服, 告知訂位代碼和你的選項後客服就會幫你處理了。

我前幾天也收到亞航的信通知名古屋-吉隆坡航線二月中後要取消... 節錄如下: We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS. The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered as follows: i. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund; or ii. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Credit Shell; or iii. re-route your flight to/from Osaka without any additional cost In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice. 看來還要等亞航對每位乘客個別通知後才能要求退款了。

選項一:把機票改簽十四天範圍內吉隆坡轉機的班次,前提是該班機有位置 選項二就是全額退款的意思,會在十四個工作天內完成 選項三:作為抵用九十天內亞洲航空任何訂位付款

請問有人有亞航取消班機的經驗嗎? 這是今天他們寄來的信,不確定他的意思是會自動退費? 還是要打電話去跟他說? 感謝~! =============================== <前面略> As a result, it is with the deepest regret that AirAsia will be offering anyone that has booked on our Denpasar-Melbourne and/or Melbourne-Denpasar direct flight services‎ the following options: 1. Move Flight to another date within 14 (fourteen) days of the existing booking using available AirAsia flights between Melbourne-Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur-Denpasar and vice versa. This will be subject to seat availability of the available AirAsia flights, or 2. Full Refund. This will be done through bank transfer within 14 (fourteen) working days, or 3. Credit Shell equivalent to the value of the existing booking to be used for payment of any AirAsia tickets and with a validity of 90 (ninety) days. On behalf of AirAsia we sincerely apologize for the inconveniences associated with this announcement and we hope that you will be our guest when we finalize this issue in the near future. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Call Center in Australia 1300 760 330 or in Indonesia +6221 2927 0999 or +62804 1333 333.