前往 新西蘭實施鎖國禁令資料總整理 - 紐西蘭的小事紀錄Happened

發布時間: 2020-10-14
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往新西蘭實施鎖國禁令資料總整理 - 紐西蘭的小事紀錄Happened ...




http://www.immigration.govt.nz/branch/londonbranchhome/partnersnz/ Lodgement Requirements A completed supporting partner form (completed by the NZ supporting partner with the declaration signed and witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, solicitor or notary public). 你老婆簽的supporting partner form就一定要公證 Suggestions for your Application When submitting certified copies of documents you should ensure that the certification has been performed by a lawyer, solicitor, Justice of the Peace, notary public or magistrate. 上面是寫建議副本都要經過公證 建議直接向紐西蘭移民局詢問. ===================================== 本人跟馬來西亞老婆結婚,不管是台灣政府跟馬來西亞政府所要收的文件可是全部都要公證..... 所以我想也不想就回答了所有文書都要公證.

謝謝您的詳細回覆!連公証這部分都交代了!太厲害了! 只是公証 是必要的嗎?:-O

請問⋯:-S 台灣的良民証是否即為警政單位發的那種? 所以去申請好英文版然後附上嗎? 夫妻關係也是以台灣戶政事務所的英文結婚登記証書嗎? 謝謝您的熱心解惑! 無犯罪證明書要去個縣市警察局的總局申請. 出來就是中英文版啦. 英文的結婚證書也是各戶政事物所就能申請. 這些東西通通拿去法院或民間公證人公證後再拿去外交部領事事務局做文書驗證.

請問⋯:-S 台灣的良民証是否即為警政單位發的那種? 所以去申請好英文版然後附上嗎? 夫妻關係也是以台灣戶政事務所的英文結婚登記証書嗎? 謝謝您的熱心解惑!

http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktemporarily/howdoiapply/familystream/ 上面有寫..... 在紐西蘭或在海外都能申請 但你要申請良民證就要回台灣申請喔!

謝謝您的資訊!感謝丨!我們已婚3年多。 請問⋯work visa 是在入境紐西蘭之前就得先申請嗎?

http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktemporarily/requirements/Familystream.htm If you have been living together for 12 months or longer, we may grant you a work visa for up to a maximum of two years. If you have been living together for less than 12 months, initially we can only grant you a work visa for up to 12 months. Later you can apply for a further work visa for a total stay of up to two years (including the time already granted on your initial partnership work visa) if: you and your partner want to stay longer in New Zealand and can show us that you are still in a genuine and stable relationship, or you apply for residence as a partner.

紐西蘭居留權、工作權相關問題請問大家! 老婆有紐西蘭公民,老公無。 請問老公應該是可以依親居留?! 但工作呢?有辦法工作嗎? 因為想前往紐西蘭長期發展,故於此請教諸位前輩! 希望大家不吝指教⋯一些基本的法規、權利⋯ 謝謝大家!;-)