前往 [旅行] 17 家廉價航空公司介紹、官網,不可不知的廉價航空大小

發布時間: 2020-08-09
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往[旅行] 17 家廉價航空公司介紹、官網,不可不知的廉價航空大小 ...




請問酷鳥航空是否可以自己攜帶水和食物上機?謝謝! 上次坐,放包包裡,上了飛機 拿出來喝(沒有很正大光明)...

請問酷鳥航空是否可以自己攜帶水和食物上機?謝謝! 酷鳥FAQ有寫 http://support.nokscoot.com/hc/en-us/articles/204458735-Can-I-take-my-own-food-and-drinks-onboard-Do-you-offer-any-special-meals- Can I take my own food and drinks onboard? Do you offer any special meals? We do not allow consumption of outside food though we recommend guests who have special dietary needs to bring their own food. However, for safety reasons hot drinks and liquids are not permitted. We have great selections on offer from our onboard menu, including vegetarian and halal meals. 按規定不行,除非你有特殊的飲食需求。
