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日常英文生活對話 Daily Talk-進階英文 Advanced What's your opinion about childless couples? 你對於不生孩子的夫妻的看法如何? Melissa : What's your opinion about childless couples? Will you choose to have no kids? Nikki : To be honest, I wouldn't. Melissa : Why? Do you have to make a choice now? Nikki : Not really. But it has puzzled me for a long time. Melissa : What's the puzzle? Nikki : My husband and I prefer to have no kids, but my mother-in-law is very traditional and wants grandkids. Melissa : Oh, I see. I think the older generation tends to think in a different way. Nikki : Yes. It seems she can never accept a childless marriage. We had a fight last night. Melissa : Oh, really? Maybe she is just eager to see her grandchildren. Nikki : But it's absolutely our own business to have a child or not. Melissa : Definitely. Nikki : You know, I often overhear our neighbor, the young couple, fighting about how to raise their kid and I really don't want kids to spoil our happiness. Melissa : Don't worry. I think in most cases, children are the glue that keeps a family together. Nikki : I guess you're right. But I still prefer to have no child. Melissa : Sure. You can fully enjoy your time together. 蒙莉莎:你對於不生孩子的夫妻的看法如何?你會選擇不生孩子嗎? 尼琪:老實說,我不打算生孩子。 蒙莉莎:為什麼?你現在必須做出選擇嗎? 尼琪:不是,只是這事已經困擾我很久了。 蒙莉莎:什麼困擾? 尼琪:我和我丈夫打算不要孩子,但是我婆婆很傳統,很想抱孫子。 蒙莉莎:啊,這樣啊。我覺得老一輩人的想法總是和我們不太一樣。 尼琪:是啊,可是我婆婆似乎永遠無法接受不要孩子的婚姻。我們昨天還吵了一架。 蒙莉莎:是嗎?也許她只是抱孫心切吧! 尼琪:但是要不要生孩子,完全是我們自己的事啊! 蒙莉莎:當然。 尼琪:知道嗎?我經常聽見我們隔壁那對年輕夫妻因為孩子的教育問題爭吵,我真的不想讓孩子破壞我們的幸福。 蒙莉莎:不要擔心,大多數情況下,孩子凝聚家庭的黏著劑。 尼琪:你說的對,但我還是不想要生孩子。 蒙莉莎:當然,那你們就可以好好享受二人世界。 參考http://www.hitutor.com.tw/daily03.php?_i=k90

幫大家整理了幾個蠻實用的英文會話用語,如下: 1.英文會話用語-工作篇 (http://blog.yam.com/myskylines/article/62670321) 2.生活英文會話-請保母/修電腦/剪頭髮英文用語 (http://blog.yam.com/myskylines/article/62670304) 3.英文會話用語-社交場合吸引注意用語 (http://blog.yam.com/myskylines/article/62670362) 4.英文生活會話 (http://blog.yam.com/myskylines/article/62670352) 5.生活英文會話用語-飲食相關用語 (http://blog.yam.com/myskylines/article/62670336)