前往 深圳皇岗口岸附近哪个停车场收费便宜? -

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您即將離開本站,並前往深圳皇岗口岸附近哪个停车场收费便宜? - 家在深圳






外國人在羅湖口岸落地簽證並不能離開深圳地區,只限制於停留在深圳. 條件如下 外国人申请口岸签证须知 一、外国人因下列事由可以向设在北京、上海、天津、大连、福州、厦门、西安、桂林、杭州、昆明、广州、深圳、珠海、青岛、烟台、威海、海口、三亚、重庆、成都、南京、满洲里、黑河、沈阳、绥芬河、武汉、济南、乌鲁木齐、长沙的口岸签证机关申请签证。 The foreigners can apply port visas from the Port visa agencies are set up at the following ports: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi’an, Guilin, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai, Haikou, Sanya, Chongqing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Manzhou Li, Heihe, Shenyang, Suifen He, Wuhan, Jinan,Urumchi, Changsha for the following reasons: 1、中方临时决定邀请来华参加交易会的; Being invited at short notice by the Chinese side to attend a trade fair in China; 2、应邀来华参加投标或者正式签订经贸合同的; Being invited to China to enter a bid or to formally sign an economic or trade contract; 3、按约来华监装出口、进口商检或者参加合同验收的; Coming to China under contract for supervision over export shipment, import commodity inspection or check on the completion of a contract. 4、应邀参加设备安装或者工程抢修的; Being invited to install equipment or make rush repairs; 5、应中方要求来华解决索赔问题的; Coming to China at the request of the Chinese side or settling Claims; 6、应邀来华提供科技咨询的; Being invited to China for scientific or technological consulting services; 7、应邀来华团组办妥签证后,经中方同意临时增换的; A last-minute replacement or addition, approved by the Chinese side, to a delegation or group that has been invited and has already obtained visas for traveling to China; 8、看望危急病人或者处理丧事的; For visiting a patient in a critical condition or making funeral arrangements; 9、直接过境人员由于不可抗拒的原因不能在24小时内乘原机离境或者需改乘其他交通工具离境的; As persons in immediate transit who, because of force majeure, are unable to leave China by the original air craft within 24 hours or have to leave China by other means of transport; 10、其他被邀请确实来不及在中国驻外机构申请签证,并持有指定的主管部门同意在口岸申办签证的函电的; As other invitees who really do not have enough time to apply for visas to the above-mentioned Chinese agencies abroad but hold letters or telegrams from designated competent authorities approving the application for visas at port visa agencies. 11、我国国际旅行社和经批准的港澳旅行社组织、接待的旅行团。 The tourist groups that organized and received by Chinese international travel agencies and the approved HongKong, Macau travel agencies can apply for port visas. 二、申请口岸签证,需回答有关询问并提供下列材料: To apply for port visa, aliens shall provide such pertinent information as requested and complete the following procedures: 1、有效普通护照; Valid common passport 2、填写外国人签证表,交一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片; Fill in the visa application form and submit one photo which is recently-taken ,2-inches ,half-length ,bareheaded and full-face. 3、其他证明材料; Other materials maybe used. 三、个人签证申请可以由接待单位代办,团体旅游签证申请可以由我国国际旅行社和经批准的港澳旅行社代办。 The individual visa application can be applied by the reception units. The group visa application can be applied by the Chinese international travel agencies and the approved Hongkong and Macau travel agencies. 四、申请F签证,须提供下列材料: For the application of visiting visa( F visa ), applicants should hand over the materials listed below: 1、申请多次入境有效F签证须提供一类授权单位邀请函电; To apply for repetitious valid F visa needs to provide a letter or telegram from the senior authorized organizations. 2、申请二次入境有效F(包括团体)签证须提供一类或者二类授权单位邀请函电; To apply for a 2 -entries valid F visa( including group ) needs to provide a letter or telegram from the senior authorized organizations or the junior organizations. 3、申请一次(包括团体)签证须提供一类或者二类授权单位,或者我国乡镇以上地方政府,或者各类公司、企事业单位(包括国营、集体、独资、商社、私人等公司)出具的邀请函电或者各类交易会(广交会、贸易洽谈会等)请柬。一类、二类授权单位以外的邀请函电和请柬必须由口岸签证机关所在省、自治区、直辖市的出具。跨省、自治区、直辖市申请的,应当由邀请单位所在的地市公安机关出入境管理部门核准同意。 To apply for a 1- entry valid F visa( including group ) needs to provide a letter , telegram or a invitation from the senior authorized organizations or the junior organizations, the local Chinese governments which above town, or the various companies ,sections and commodity fairs. The letter , telegram or the invitation should be provided by the organizations which belong to the province, municipality and the city which is administered by central government where the port visa department locate if it were not issued by the senior and junior organizations. If the application is from different areas, it is necessary for the inviting unit to get the permission from the exit-entry administration department of local public security organs . 对提供一类授权单位邀请函电的人员,可以获得6个月或者1年多次有效签证;对提供二类授权单位邀请函电的人员,可以获得有效期6个月多次或者6个月以内一次、二次签证;对提供其他邀请材料的人员,可以获得有效期3个月以内一次、二次签证。 Foreigners could obtain a 6-month or 1-year repetitious valid F visa by providing a letter or telegram from the senior authorized organizations. Foreigners could obtain a 6-month repetitious valid F visa, or a F visa which could be used for 1 or 2 entries within 6 months by providing a letter or telegram from the junior authorized organizations. The others could obtain a F visa which could be used for 1 or 2 entries within 3 months by providing useful inviting information. 五、申请L签证,须提供处理紧急事务的相关证明,可以获得有效期3个月以内一次入境有效签证。 Foreigners who apply for L visa in order to handle urgent affairs should submit the supporting papers, and the visa would be valid in 3 months for 1 entry. 六、申请团体旅游签证,旅游团人数不限。需提供负责组织、接待的国际旅行社或者经批准的港澳旅行社公函和旅游人员名单。 Foreigners who apply for group visa will not limit its number. It is necessary to provide the offical papers issued by the organizing and reception international travel agencies or the approved Hongkong and Macau travel agencies and the lists of the travel groups. 可以获得有效期2个月以内的一次入境有效签证。 The visa would be valid in 2 months for 1 entry. 七、申请G签证,需提供前往国家或者地区的有效签证及机(车、船)票。 To apply for visa G, a valid visa for entering the country(region) of destination, or connecting tickets to take air craft, bus and ship. 可以获得有效期10天以内的一次入境有效签证。 The visa would be valid in 10 days for 1 entry. 八、申请C签证,需提供民航或者交通等部门的公函。可获得有效期10天以内的一次入境有效签证。 To apply for visa C, the papers issued by civil aviaton or traffic department is necessary, and the visa would be valid in 10 days for 1 entry. 九、外国人申请口岸签证,应当按照中国政府主管部门的有关规定缴纳费用。 Foreigners applying for port visa shall pay visa fees according to the regulations made by Chinese government.

你要事先在你的國家辦好。 4天才拿得到。 香港沒有落地簽這回事。 最快也要在香港待一晚。 那是特急件,第二天拿。 http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/chn/lsfw/wgrqz/t405924.htm


1.如果你是打算香港入境走陸路進廣州的話,那加簽是在香港機場辦理。 2.如果你是香港轉機到廣州的話那加簽在廣州機場辦。

