前往 快訊/列中低感染風險國!酷航7月復飛台北-新加坡航線 旅遊

發布時間: 2020-09-03
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您即將離開本站,並前往快訊/列中低感染風險國!酷航7月復飛台北-新加坡航線 旅遊 ...




6/24收到酷航飛新加坡轉古晉的停飛通知,原航班時間是8/20, 八月底前的航班有異動現在應該收到通知了 要申請退款的朋友注意一下信箱 感覺這則訊息挺重要的、牽涉時間也比較廣! 建議把這裡刪除、另開一個新標題提醒,好讓更多人可以看到!

6/24收到酷航飛新加坡轉古晉的停飛通知,原航班時間是8/20, 八月底前的航班有異動現在應該收到通知了 要申請退款的朋友注意一下信箱

還是要在新加坡隔離14天的。 只是隔離的地方不在"專用隔離設施區域",可以在合適的個人住所進行14天隔離。 14天隔離期間嚴禁外出。 希望各國邊境都可以逐步安全的重新開放。 https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/gradual-re-opening-of-travel-and-changes-to-border-measures Travellers from Some Countries/Regions to Serve Stay-Home Notice at Suitable Place of Residence 5. With the testing regime in place, we will also update the existing requirement for all incoming travellers to stay at dedicated SHN facilities. For a start, all travellers entering Singapore from 17 June 2020, 2359 hours, and who had remained in Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mainland China, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam in the last consecutive 14 days prior to their entry, will no longer have to serve their SHN at dedicated SHN facilities: a. Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may serve their 14-day SHN at their place of residence. b. Long Term Pass holders may serve their 14-day SHN at a place of residence that they or their family members own or are sole tenants of; or in suitable accommodation such as a hotel, at their own cost. 那麼酷航的復飛,意義不大。

自 2020 年 6 月 17 日起所有從澳洲、文萊、香港地區、日本、澳門、中國大陸、紐西蘭、韓國、台灣地區和越南入境,且入境前14天只造訪上述10個國家及地區訪客,無須在專用隔離設施區域持行14天居家通知。 回台灣還是要14天。 還是要在新加坡隔離14天的。 只是隔離的地方不在"專用隔離設施區域",可以在合適的個人住所進行14天隔離。 14天隔離期間嚴禁外出。 希望各國邊境都可以逐步安全的重新開放。 https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/gradual-re-opening-of-travel-and-changes-to-border-measures Travellers from Some Countries/Regions to Serve Stay-Home Notice at Suitable Place of Residence 5. With the testing regime in place, we will also update the existing requirement for all incoming travellers to stay at dedicated SHN facilities. For a start, all travellers entering Singapore from 17 June 2020, 2359 hours, and who had remained in Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mainland China, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam in the last consecutive 14 days prior to their entry, will no longer have to serve their SHN at dedicated SHN facilities: a. Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may serve their 14-day SHN at their place of residence. b. Long Term Pass holders may serve their 14-day SHN at a place of residence that they or their family members own or are sole tenants of; or in suitable accommodation such as a hotel, at their own cost.

我是不搭酷航啦,純粹資訊提供... https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/202006220270.aspx 要特別注意這條,[酷航說,旅客6月1日起僅能攜帶3公斤以下的登機行李]。 真的,像我朋友之前都不托運的,只帶10公斤登機行李,下機後不用花時間等托運行李。 現在他如果還是不願意在轉盤旁等行李,就只能帶最多3公斤的行李了。 不介意在轉盤旁等行李的旅客,酷航還是有基本的10公斤免費行李,只是被拆成兩件: 第一件小件登機行李(只能置於前方座位底下,至多3公斤,尺寸不超過30x40x10cm) + 第二件(之前原本可以登機的)行李必需托運(不超過7公斤)(尺寸不知道有沒有限制)。

自 2020 年 6 月 17 日起所有從澳洲、文萊、香港地區、日本、澳門、中國大陸、紐西蘭、韓國、台灣地區和越南入境,且入境前14天只造訪上述10個國家及地區訪客,無須在專用隔離設施區域持行14天居家通知。 回台灣還是要14天。

也算是一劑強心劑!! 有隔離政策嗎??


我是不搭酷航啦,純粹資訊提供... https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/202006220270.aspx 要特別注意這條,[酷航說,旅客6月1日起僅能攜帶3公斤以下的登機行李]。