前往 [2020] 紐西蘭行前準備& 注意事項 - Tim Ting Tr

發布時間: 2020-11-03
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往[2020] 紐西蘭行前準備& 注意事項 - Tim Ting Travel




既然你在澳洲,那你就買一張最便宜的澳-紐國際線來回機票 然後拋棄回程的部份 花一點小錢,解決一個大問題

這是IATA上的規定, Passport required. - Passports and/or passport replacing documents must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the period of intended stay. Visa required, except for A max. stay of 3 months: - for holders of Chinese Taipei (on the cover: Republic of China Taiwan) normal passports, provided it includes a Personal ID number; Visa required, except for Holders of an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC )For details, click here provided endorsed Valid for travel to NZL": - traveling on business, for a max. stay of 3 months. Minors: - Minors entering New Zealand For details, click here Additional Information: - Visitors are required to hold proof of sufficient funds to cover their stay. For details, click here - Visitors are required to hold documents required for their next destination. Warning: - Passport number and nationality must match those stated on the APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC). - Holders of passports issued by Chinese Taipei must hold return/onward tickets. (SEE NOTE 53749) NOTE 53749: exempt are holders of authorization issued by New Zealand's immigration authorities waiving the return ticket requirement. 所以你主要的問題不只是單純紐國入境官員會不會要看而已,而是航空公司地勤查看IATA的資訊後,跟你要離開紐西蘭的機票證明,你提不出來的話,航空公司就可能會拒絕發登機證給你,除非你當場以高價買一張離開紐西蘭的機票。

網上查詢入境紐西蘭要有出境機票 但我預計環遊世界從紐西蘭出發 要到了紐西蘭才能開票(寰宇一家) 這樣入境時沒有出境機票可以嗎? 謝謝回答