前往 周遊家(第60

發布時間: 2020-10-04
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





這個房東好惡質@@ 讓人白等三小時有點誇張,他有事是他的事,如果跟你時間都約好了,還大遲到真的很糟.. 誇張又如何,你拿它怎樣,我只在雅加達住過一次airbnb,很幸運那是一家旅行社,所以不會消失,我也不知道為什麼我能找到,反正就是一股傻勁,一問三不知的車站旁警衛,只能鼓起勇氣搭上開價很高的三輪車朝正確方位前去,路不熟話不通,居然矇對了,如果是晚上大概死了。

這個房東好惡質@@ 讓人白等三小時有點誇張,他有事是他的事,如果跟你時間都約好了,還大遲到真的很糟..

首先 這個毀了我行程的惡質房東有一百多個好評 經過這事件我才知道為什麼 因為 airbnb是個保護房東 不顧消費者權益的平台 他們強制刪除了我給那個房東的負評 所以要訂房的人不會知道他的真面目 不要相信airbnb的評價 網路上說 他們會刪除惡評 是真的! 以下為事情始末 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在歐洲旅行 airbnb一直是我的首選 身為窮留學生 住不起高級旅館 而歐洲的平價旅館品質是驚人的寒酸 共用廁所 房間裡設洗臉台是常態 我很不喜歡這種監獄式的格局裝潢 但是今年開始 我在airbnb運勢開始走下坡 年初訂了倫敦的房源 結果房東在我出發前一天消失 聯絡不到人 連房間切確地址都不知道 深夜致電airbnb客服 這件事在他們給我一張折扣券當賠償 我熬夜紅眼緊急在booking.com訂過一家廉價旅館之下落幕 後來在都柏林訂的房源出乎意料遠離市區 還算差強人意就算了 在柏林的房東怪怪的 但前幾天她去旅行 我自己住一層也算還行 直到這次巴塞隆納極惡之旅 我對airbnb的信任遭受前所未有的打擊 我打了五百多字負評 airbnb評價字數限制500 以下為獨家完整版: Worst ! Worst experience in airbnb ever. I already reported Airbnb about this host. Please read changyeol's reference in October 2017, which happened to him will happen to you as well! Because it literally happened to me. I shouldn't ignored changyeol's words just because the host got so many other positive references. Carol didn't reply my messages and my call after I landed Barcelona airport. After one hour, he send messages said we could only meet after 14:30pm. However we supposed to meet at 12:00pm. He said it was an emergency issue of his work. And he is not a hotel, I should drag my suitcase and carry my heavy backpack strolling on streets waiting for him, which I actually did since there was no choice. I felt tired and frustrated , it was definitely not a good welcoming-starting of a vacation. Carol wasted my 3 hours for waiting for him. When he finally showed up, he just kept mentioned how busy he was as a tourist guide. He was standing outside of his building to introduce the neighborhood , like a SOP process, neglected that how tired I was and I just wanted to put my backpack and luggage down in a safe room.I didn't even have the ability to pretend concentrated. He said "sometimes , guests are late I will wait for them also. It's not big deal. " First of all, I'm not the guest who makes he waiting, I am the guest who waited him for 3 hours. Secondly, I thought one of the Airbnb spirit is making guests feel home , if I received someone's booking and money , I will try my best to take full responsibility to make my guests felt welcome. Unfortunately I didn't think Carol had ever put himself in my shoes for even one second. His unthoughtful made me more frustrated , almost cried out. Then he showed me the room which was not I booked. I agreed to change the room before because I thought it would be the same quality since they were the same price. But it was small , dark and cold, even without a desk. I said I didn't like this room and I felt upset because of him. However, he didn't seem care, just said " It's not the first time this kind of things happened. But it's the first time I met someone as difficult as you. So you want to leave now?" Then he went to his room drank coke and chatted loudly with his friend. I don't know how easy going other travelers were , but I didn't feel respect and sincere from this host. Anyway, I booked a hotel right away. It was the first day I arrived a new city , woke up to catch the flight at 5.00am from Oslo and ,thanks to Carol,until almost 5.00pm, I still dragged my suitcase around Barcelona as a homeless. Finally, he promised me that he will give me full refund immediately as the last thing he could do for me. But I didn't received it. I had to ask Airbnb to step in to deal with it. Then he send me 500kr, but the amount I paid was more than 1700 kr. After back and forth contact (2 calls and all day continually messages) with Airbnb, I finally got refund. But what can't be returned is my time , energy and mood to visit tourist spots on the whole day. Carol literally ruined my first impression of Barcelona. Every word I typed is truth. 若懶得看英文的朋友 請直接跳過看下述抱怨應該也能了解大概 其實當下我聽見房東躲在隔壁房 和朋友笑鬧喝可樂 是決定離開那個房間出門觀光 忘記這一切 但戴著太陽眼鏡下樓後 忽然想起觀光完累得半死 還要回來見到他那張醜惡的嘴臉嗎 為什麼我沒像以前一進旅館 馬上把行李箱打開 把東西都擺出來呢 是不是本質上根本不信任這個房間沒有鎖的房源 不信任這個一百多個好評 但在我面前卻那麼不誠懇 囂張跋扈的屋主? 獨自旅行的好處 是可以聽見內心深處直覺的呼喊 可以正視內心深處的心之所向 我走到一半掉頭回去那個鬼屋 拿出ipad在booking.com訂了一家旅館 敲門告訴那個鬼房主說我要走了 退全部費用給我 你知道他說什麼嗎? 他說他也覺得我要住那麼久 現在搞成這樣 我住在這大家心裡也不痛快 他會馬上退費給我 對於我的離開 他完全不覺得不開心或有任何負面情緒 他很ok喔 好討人厭的嘴臉 就一如遲到三個小時 害我在機場無處可去三個小時 一見面還理直氣壯地說 他當導遊有多忙多辛苦 等幾個小時又怎麼樣 有時客人沒準時到他還不是要在家等 我說 你在家舒服的等 我拖著行李箱 背著大包包在路上等 你拿來相提並論? 而且我現在有讓他等嗎? 別人讓他等是別人的事 跟我有什麼關係? 他依然涎皮賴臉說 沒遇過我那麼難對付的人 我當下真想撕爛他的人皮面具 看看底下是什麼腐敗的廚餘殘羹 他從頭到尾就是一個王子病患 只想著對他的損害 對他的利益 連我棄住走人 他的態度也是 “喔沒關係啊 你沒惹王子不開心 要走就走吧 王子並沒有因此被惹怒喔 所以別擔心 滾吧” 離開他家那一秒 即使再度拖著行李箱回到街頭奔走 我內心卻感到舒坦 如果你想預定airbnb 必須要注意 以下的情況可能會發生在你身上 不要總覺得這是別人倒楣才會遇到 夜路走多誰都會碰到鬼: 1. 房東在前一天消失 或是更慘的是在當天消失 完全聯絡不上 2. 房間和照片完全不一樣 你入住的是一間又黑 又冷 只有一張床的倉庫間 3. 房東和你同住一層 但除了限制你用水用電之外 完全把你當空氣 4. 你離開之後房東控訴你毀壞本來就已經壞了的家電/家具 利用airbnb平台要求你賠款 或直接扣除你的保證金 如果這件事發生了 請千萬記得拍照存證 對話記錄也存起來 這些證據都是對自己的保護屏障 尤其隻身在國外 你的血淚別人都不會同情 只有你是自己的中南海保鏢 振作起來 像個俄羅斯女子般堅強 回到家鄉再好好哭泣 再用曼秀雷敦修復遍體傷痕 這件事airbnb後來擠牙膏般 一點一點退了住宿費 但我耗費了一整天跟airbnb人員打電話 傳簡訊 連在聖家堂裡面都還在為這件鳥事頻頻回訊 人家還以為我事業做多大 我唯一能做的事 只有寫一篇落落長的負評 提醒想要下訂的旅客 結果airbnb來信說我的負評違反評價原則 所以自行刪除了 網路上傳聞的airbnb會找理由刪負評保護host是真的! 我抗議了 但他們就忽視我的回信 再也不理我 以下為我和airbnb對於刪除我評價的對話 他們甚至搞錯我的惡質房東的名字 可見刪除惡評是例行公事 大家小心!!!! 2260499 2260500 2260501 2260502