前往 用Hotels.com刷卡訂房被加收國際手續費,要求退款只能給你

發布時間: 2020-08-01
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往用Hotels.com刷卡訂房被加收國際手續費,要求退款只能給你 ...




好像不退款@@ 訂了一張frankfurt easy hotel,被收了一筆手續費 如果真的不退手續費,我應該就只好放棄hotel.com 8o| 目前hotel.com不同意退回手續費, 下列為hotel.com回覆 You may still use the credit card when making transactions with us, or the property as the discrepancy that had transpired on your booking is solely due to the selected payment option online. Please note that when creating a 'Pay at the Hotel' transaction, you will be charged the hotel's local currency and as you have used a local credit card, you have been charged extra due to the foreign exchange rates. To avoid similar occurrence, it's best to create a reservation online under a prepaid transaction to make sure you will be charged what was disclosed online. Since the transaction has been completed, we regret that we can no longer avoid the extra charges due to the foreign exchange rates. As the extra charges is being collected by your bank, we are unable to honor a refund difference for the pursuing difference in value of the prices. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.





Hotels.com 親愛的旅客您好: 依據您的訂房確認編號 1339891XXXXXXX,我們在此提供您價值 TWD483 的 Hotels.com 優惠代碼,下一次您在 Hotels.com 預訂並選擇線上付款時就可以使用。您的優惠代碼是 GWCXXXXXXXXX。此優惠代碼於本郵件寄出後的 12 個月內有效,並僅限使用一次。這是您專屬的優惠代碼,請妥善保存本郵件以做為日後訂房時的參考。此優惠代碼不會儲存在您的帳戶中,我們的客服專員也無法為您查詢到相關資訊。 請確實詳閱下列注意事項。 當您下次在 Hotels.com 網站上訂房時,會在付款頁面看到「使用優惠代碼」的提示。只要輸入您的 Hotels.com 優惠代碼並選擇「使用」,即可享有折扣。 如果要變更或取消已使用 Hotels.com 優惠代碼的訂房,請與我們的客服專員聯絡。 謝謝! Hotels.com

尊敬的 XXXX 你好: 感謝你就訂房的國際交易手續費事宜與 Hotels.com 聯絡,確認編號:1339991XXXXXX等 。 非常抱歉我們理解您的心情,但是公司更改新的手續費政策,只會以優惠券的形式退回。優惠券會有補償,如果您的手續費低於5美金,我們會以5美金的優惠券退回,如果超過5美金,我們會以10美金的優惠券退回。 以上是HOTELS.COM回覆的:-@