關於「Accompany you」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
「我陪你去」英文說"accompany with you",是錯的!3個句子搞懂 ...2017年7月5日 · 要用with,可以說"I will go with you."(我和你一起去。
) 2.他堅持要陪她去機場. (X)He insisted on accompanying her to go to the airport. 廣告.Accompany with you? 哪裡錯了- 今周刊2018年1月4日 · 要用with,可以說(O)I will go with you. (我和你一起去。
) 2. 他堅持要陪她去機場。
(X)He insisted on accompanying her to go to the airport.Accompany with you? 哪裡錯了 - 雜誌要用with,可以說(O)I will go with you. (我和你一起去。
) 2. 他堅持要陪她去機場。
(X)He insisted on accompanying her to go to the airport. (O ...ACCOMPANY在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary4 天前 · to go with someone to a social event or to an entertainment: "May I accompany you to the ball?" he asked her. I have two tickets for ...accompany 跟company 到底哪裡不同?該怎麼用?|天下雜誌2020年12月25日 · → 由於accompany 本身已經有包含go「去、前往」的意思,所以就不用再特別加上go 了。
小試身手. Q:以下哪一個句子是正確的? (A) Can you ...「我陪你去」英文說"accompany with you" ... - Cheers雜誌2017年9月5日 · (O)I will go with you. (我和你一起去。
) 2. 他堅持要陪她去機場。
(X)He insisted on accompanying her to go to the airport. (O ...「我陪你去」英文說accompany with you,是錯的!3個句子搞懂正確 ...2019年9月16日 · 要用with,可以說"I will go with you."(我和你一起去。
) 2.他堅持要陪她去機場. (X)He insisted on accompanying her to go to the airport. ( ...Which is correct? 1.I will accompany with you. 2.I will accompany ...Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). English (US). Question about ... 3.I will company you. ... To accompany is to go with someone else. You can't 'go ...accompany you during - Chinese translation – LingueeMany translated example sentences containing "accompany you during" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. ... ofdc. org.tw ... that the “pay-as-you-go” approach results in a misalignment of costs and ...accompany [=go with / to come with?] | WordReference ForumsIf you accompany someone you may go/travel with them, or be their companion. It's not restricted to coming or going from somewhere but can ...