Typo error

發布時間: 2020-12-22
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關於「Typo error」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Asos prints 17,000 bags with embarrassing spelling mistake | The ...2018年3月22日 · Realising the blunder, ASOS owned up and tweeted a picture of the plastic bag on Twitter alongside the caption, “Ok, so we *may* have printed ...Clerical/Typographical Errors2020年3月4日 · You may select this NOE option if the error contained in the filed document is clerical/typographical error in nature; was unintended; and does ...Cong blames typographical error, Citizenship question ... - YouTube2019年4月30日 · Cong blames typographical error, Citizenship question haunts RaGa | The ... Twitter - https ...時間長度: 9:01 發布時間: 2019年4月30日GitHub Typo Corpus: A Large-Scale Multilingual Dataset of ...2019年11月28日 · The lack of large-scale datasets has been a major hindrance to the development of NLP tasks such as spelling correction and grammatical error ...A‑V, 3. Correction of errors in documents filed with the EPO ...2019年10月1日 · Linguistic errors, errors of transcription and mistakes in any document ... on the face of the published application that a mistake has been made.How to Make Correcting Entries in Accounting for Your Small Business2017年10月31日 · A counterbalancing error happens when one mistake cancels out another mistake. You must make a correcting entry if you discover you've made ...Typographical error - WikipediaA typographical error (often shortened to typo), also called misprint, is a mistake made in the ... External links[edit]. "Spell checkers developing 'atomic typo' capabilities" - OpEd in the China Post, Taiwan, September 30, 2012. BookErrata. com.Web Intent | Docs | Twitter DeveloperSites may configure Tweet text and hashtags, pass a URL, and identify Twitter accounts related to the page. Tweet Web Intent. Web Intent URL. https://twitter. com/ ...How To Reduce Data Entry Errors | GLAnalytics2018年8月30日 · typing “716” when you meant to type “761”); Unit/Representation Inconsistencies – Also very common, are mistakes involving the inconsistent use ...Sent By Mistake, A U.S. Embassy Email Invited People To A Cat ...Twitter went wild with it and the cat memes that saturate the internet were flying around. As the email went viral, the Embassy looked into the error. “Sorry to ...
