請問有人使用過OTEL.COM訂房成功的嗎?? 我6/10-12想去赫爾辛基一趟 所以我在OTEL.COM定了房間 http://www.metglobal.com/voucher.php?processid=ON-98831596 原文載於: 自助旅行論壇 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=475540 這是我定完後 OTEL.COM寄給我的確定訂房單 應該是要印下來~到時帶去芬蘭吧??...................問題一 我定完房間~得到這封Prepaid Accommodation Voucher後 也寫了一封信給SOKOS 但是他回答我這樣..... Dear Madam or Sir, thank You for your message. This booking is made in the internet, so it might take a while that we can actually see it in our system. This is why we can only confirm bookings made here at the sales service center or on our own website www.sokoshotels.fi/en/. If You like, we can make You a new booking and You can cancel the one made before. We are happy to offer You following at Sokos Hotel Helsinki from 10th to 12th of June: * standard class room 154 EUR/night (Note: only one room available) * fancier, better equipped superior room with coffee and tea making facilities, bath robes, etc. 179 EUR/night. All our rates include breakfast and taxes. Kindly note that offered rates and availability are subject to change. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best Regards, 意思是~他目前還無法確定我的訂單嗎?? 請問我該怎麼做? 繼續等嗎?
發布時間: 2011-05-06推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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