Say Hello to Dubai. Say thanks to Cebu.
Say Hello to Dubai
發布時間: 2013-01-17促銷活動的連結這裡 Sale Period: Up to Jan. 20, 2013 or until seats last Travel Period: Oct. 7 , 2013 - Jan. 15, 2014
酷~ 不過我發現光稅就要快10000P
酷~ 不過我發現光稅就要快10000P 今天13:12就刷好了 喔耶! 跨年跨年!!
去杜拜跨年還蠻屌的 XD 我比較好奇的是 這似乎是亞航停飛歐洲後唯一超過印度的亞洲LCC航線 宿霧會開這條是真的菲律賓人有需求嗎?? 不知道能撐多久 另外從杜拜目前只知道有廉價航空飛土耳其 不知道有沒有轉接西歐的可能性?
亞航有飛德黑蘭 亞航的德黑蘭航線去年10月15日起就取消 (了. 去杜拜跨年還蠻屌的 XD 我比較好奇的是 這似乎是亞航停飛歐洲後唯一超過印度的亞洲LCC航線 宿霧會開這條是真的菲律賓人有需求嗎?? 不知道能撐多久 另外從杜拜目前只知道有廉價航空飛土耳其 不知道有沒有轉接西歐的可能性? UAE有非常多菲律賓人在那裡工作,維基百科的數據是45萬,但也有20多萬到60多萬不同的統計.但數量絕對不少就是了.我想宿霧開這航線也是因為這潛在的市場吧. 自從亞航停了德黑蘭航線後,這新航線是唯一一個可以從東南亞跳過印度直接到中東航線. 中東的兩大廉價航空Air Arabia (和FlyDubai (從他們在Dubai的樞紐往西最遠只到部分東歐國家,所以到西歐還是要再接一段歐洲的廉價航空.
如果我的解讀沒錯的話 我想是因為菲律賓本身的市場 他們也有很多菲律賓同胞在杜拜工作 光這個應該就有杜拜來回菲律賓的機位市場了(H)
用A330飛杜拜 宿霧現在有A330在飛嗎?
根據宿霧航空的新聞稿 它們的數據是在UAE的菲律賓人數將近70萬. A330是租的.今年交兩架,明年再添兩架.有可能增加到8架.A330是為了它們未來長程線的準備. 目前宿霧也在和科威特商討航權,所以科威特有可能是他們長程的第二個據點. Cebu Pacific announces direct daily flights to Dubai The Philippines’ largest national flag carrier, Cebu Pacific (PSE:CEB) announced it will operate direct daily flights between Manila and Dubai, beginning October 7, 2013. CEB will be the only Filipino carrier to fly direct to Dubai. Daily flights from Manila to Dubai are scheduled to depart at 4:40PM (Manila time), while flights from Dubai to Manila depart at 11:10PM (Dubai time). It will be the budget airline’s first long haul destination. “CEB is proud to be the only Filipino carrier to fly direct to Dubai. We are glad to be of service to over 700,000 Global Filipinos who are in UAE. Now, our kababayans in Dubai can enjoy fares that are up to 40% lower than current offerings and fly direct to Manila, a mere 9 hours away from their loved ones, via a CEB flight,” said Alex Reyes Cebu Pacific General Manager, Long Haul Division. CEB is also offering over 3,000 seats to Dubai for the special fare of PHP888. This seat sale is available from January 17 to 20, 2013, or until seats last. This seat sale is valid for travel from October 7, 2013 until January 15, 2014. “With CEB’s direct service to Dubai, Filipinos overseas can look forward to going home more often. Their relatives and friends can also visit them in Dubai more often,” added Reyes. Data from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) shows that UAE ranks second to Saudi Arabia in terms of number of land-based new hires and rehires. In 2010, there were 201,214 land-based workers deployed to UAE. “Dubai is the largest long-haul market to and from the Philippines. IATA PaxIS data indicate more than 70% of passengers in this route take multiple stops, and connecting flights because no home carrier offers a non-stop service,” said Reyes. CEB’s Manila-Dubai flights will be operated on the Airbus A330-300 aircraft with a configuration of more than 400 all-economy class seats. Guests can also enjoy WiFi connectivity inflight. CEB previously announced that it will lease up to 8 Airbus A330-300 aircraft for its long haul operations. The airline will take delivery of 2 Airbus A330 aircraft this year, and an additional 2 in 2014. The Airbus A330 has a range of up to 11 hours which means CEB could serve markets such as Australia, Middle East, parts of Europe and the US. CEB currently operates 10 Airbus A319, 23 Airbus A320 and 8 ATR 72-500 aircraft. Its fleet of 41 aircraft is the one of the most modern aircraft fleets in the world. Between 2013 and 2021, Cebu Pacific will take delivery of 19 more Airbus A320 and 30 Airbus A321neo aircraft orders. CEB operates the most extensive network in the Philippines with 32 domestic destinations and hubs in Manila, Cebu, Clark Kalibo, Iloilo and Davao. It also offers 20 international destinations, namely Bangkok, Bali, Beijing, Brunei, Busan, Guangzhou, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Incheon (Seoul), Jakarta, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, Macau, Osaka, Shanghai, Siem Reap, Singapore, Taipei and Xiamen.
如果我的解讀沒錯的話 我想是因為菲律賓本身的市場 他們也有很多菲律賓同胞在杜拜工作 光這個應該就有杜拜來回菲律賓的機位市場了(H) 海外菲律賓工作者在中東非常多 A330航線主要就是針對這些海外工作者 讓他們可以常常回家 喔耶 跨年跨年!!
我資訊沒有更新,真sorry cepupacificplus 好像沒法查這條航線 只能一天一天查了
真是太強了!! 這算是2013 廉航的第一槍 長線行程 而且真的是便宜 亞航的沙國(吉達)…就不知道價格是如何了!!! 唉,只是沙國的visa跟本就是高難度。看的到吃不到
One-way fare is for as low as RM399.