
發布時間: 2009-05-15
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

星座的話題似乎是中西都熟悉的話題,雖然我對於星座沒什麼研究,連12星座的中文都背不清楚,不過出去旅遊時還是有機會聊到這個話題。 整理出來,提供大家參考。 ●12 signs of the Zodiac 星座 Aries-------白羊座 (March 21 to April 20) Taurus------金牛座 (April 21 to May 20, 21) Gemini------雙子座 (May 21, 22 to June 21) Cancer------巨蟹座 (June 22 to July 22) Leo---------獅子座 (July 23 to August 22, 23) Virgo-------處女座 (August 23, 24 to September 22, 23) Libra-------天秤座 (September 23, 24 to October 22, 23) Scorpio-----天蝎座 (October 23, 24 to November 22) Sagittarius-射手座 (November 23 to December 21, 23) Capricorn---魔羯座 (December 22, 24 to January 20) Aquarius----寶瓶座 (January 21 to February 19) Pisces------雙魚座 (February 20 to March 20) ●怎麼和人談星座 Astrology星座學 Do you like Astrology? 你的星座是什麼 What is your star sign? What is your sign? what star sign are you? 我的星座是XXXX I am a XXXX. 你應該是............ You are supposed to be adj, adj, and adj. 聽起來很正確 Sounds pretty accurate. horoscope星座運勢 People read horoscopes to try to find out what's in the stars for them that day. in the stars means it's set to happen in the future. 許多報紙上都有星座的一周運勢 隨便找了兩個星座運勢網站如下: http://www.cainer.com/ http://www.horoscope.com/

●關於星座簡介節錄自 http://www.astrology-online.com/about.htm (Y)優點 (N)缺點 (L)喜歡 (U)不喜歡 Aries-------白羊座 (March 21 to April 20) The Ram (Y)Adventurous and energetic/Pioneering and courageous/Enthusiastic and confident/Dynamic and quick-witted (N)Selfish and quick-tempered/Impulsive and impatient/Foolhardy and daredevil (L)Action /Coming in first /Challenges /Championing Causes /Spontaneity (U)Waiting Around /Admitting Failure /No opposition /Tyranny /Other peoples advice

Taurus------金牛座 (April 21 to May 20, 21) The Bull (Y)Patient and reliable/Warmhearted and loving/Persistent and determined/Placid and security loving (N)Jealous and possessive/Resentful and inflexible/Self-indulgent and greedy (L)Stability /Being Attracted /Things Natural /Time to Ponder /Comfort and Pleasure (U)Disruption /Being pushed too hard /Synthetic or "man made" things /Being rushed /Being indoors

Gemini------雙子座 (May 21, 22 to June 21) The Twins (Y)Adaptable and versatile/Communicative and witty/Intellectual and eloquent/Youthful and lively (N)Nervous and tense/Superficial and inconsistent/Cunning and inquisitive (L)Talking/Novelty and the unusual/Variety in life/Multiple projects all going at once/Reading (U)Feeling tied down/Learning, such as school/Being in a rut/Mental inaction/Being alone

Cancer------巨蟹座 (June 22 to July 22) The Crab (Y)Emotional and loving/Intuitive and imaginative/Shrewd and cautious/Protective and sympathetic (N)Changeable and moody/Overemotional and touchy/Clinging and unable to let go (L)Hobbies /Romance /Children /Home and Country /Parties (U)Aggravating situations /Failure /Opposition /Being told what to do /Advice (good or bad)

Leo---------獅子座 (July 23 to August 22, 23) The Lion (Y)Generous and warmhearted/Creative and enthusiastic/Broad-minded and expansive/Faithful and loving (N)Pompous and patronizing/Bossy and interfering/Dogmatic and intolerant (L)Speculative ventures /Lavish Living /Pageantry and Grandeur /Children /Drama (U)Doing things safely /Ordinary,Day to day living /Small minded people /Penny pinching /Mean spiritedness

Virgo-------處女座 (August 23, 24 to September 22, 23) The Virgin (Y)Modest and shy/Meticulous and reliable/Practical and diligent/Intelligent and analytical (N)Fussy and a worrier/Overcritical and harsh/Perfectionist and conservative (L)Health foods /Lists /Hygiene /Order /Wholesomeness (U)Hazards to health /Anything sordid /Sloppy workers /Squalor /Being uncertain

Libra-------天秤座 (September 23, 24 to October 22, 23) The Scales (Y)Diplomaitic and urbane/Romantic and charming/Easygoing and sociable/Idealistic and peaceable (N)Indecisive and changeable/Gullible and easily infuenced/Flirtatious and self-indulgent (L)The finer things in life /Sharing /conviviality /Gentleness (U)Violence /Injustice /Brutishness /Being a slave to fashion

Scorpio-----天蝎座 (October 23, 24 to November 22) The Scorpion (Y)Determined and forceful/Emotional and intuitive/Powerful and passionate/Exciting and magnetic (N)Jealous and resentful/Compulsive and obsessive/Secretive and obstinate (L)Truth /Hidden Causes /Being involved /Work That is Meaningful /Being Persuasive (U)Being Given Only Surface data /Taken Advantage of /Demeaning Jobs /Shallow Relationships /Flattery and Flattering

Sagittarius-射手座 (November 23 to December 21, 23) The Archer (Y)Optimistic and freedom-loving/Jovial and good-humored/Honest and straightforward/Intellectual and philosophical (N)Blindly optimistic and careless/Irresponsible and superficial/Tactless and restless (L)Traveling /getting to the heart of the matter /Freedom /Laws and meanings /the general 'feel' of things (U)Off the wall theories /being tied down domestically /Being constrained /cooling your heels /bothered with details

Capricorn---魔羯座 (December 22, 24 to January 20) The Goat (Y)Practical and prudent/Ambitious and disciplined/Patient and careful/Humorous and reserved (N)Pessimistic and fatalistic/Miserly and grudging (L)Reliability /Professionalism /Knowing what you discuss /Firm Foundations /Purpose (U)Wild Schemes /Fantasies /Go-nowhere jobs /Ignominy /Ridicule

Aquarius----寶瓶座 (January 21 to February 19) The Water Carrier (Y)Friendly and humanitarian/Honest and loyal/Original and inventive/Independent and intellectual (N)Intractable and contrary/Perverse and unpredictable/Unemotional and detached (L)Fighting for Causes /Dreaming and Planning for the Future /Thinking of the Past /Good Companions /Having Fun (U)Full of Air Promises /Excessive Loneliness /The Ordinary /Imitations /Idealistic

Pisces------雙魚座 (February 20 to March 20) The Fishes (Y)Imaginative and sensitive/Compassionate and kind/Selfless and unworldly/Intuitive and sympathetic (N)Escapist and idealistic/Secretive and vague/Weak-willed and easily led (L)Solitude to dream in /Mystery in all its guises /Anything discarded to stay discarded /The ridiculous /like to get 'lost' (U)the obvious /being criticized /feeling all at sea about something /know-it-alls /pedantry 歡迎大家挑自己喜歡的英文部分翻譯出來和大家分享哦!!!!!

Libra-------天秤座 (September 23, 24 to October 22, 23) The Scales (Y) Diplomaitic and urbane/善外交n彬彬有禮的 Romantic and charming/浪漫n迷人的 Easygoing and sociable/隨和n好交際的 Idealistic and peaceable/理想主義n和平的 (N) Indecisive and changeable/猶豫不決n善變的 Gullible and easily influenced/易上當受騙n易受影響的 Flirtatious and self-indulgent/輕浮n任性的 (L) The finer things in life /生命中的美好事物 (@_@ 我亂翻的...) Sharing /分享 conviviality /歡樂 Gentleness /溫順 (U) Violence /暴力 Injustice /不公正 Brutishness /野蠻 Being a slave to fashion/做流行的奴隸 想不到談星座的這篇竟然在沒人回文的情況下 晚上突然變成了熱門話題 可能點閱率高吧 哈哈~~~ 試著翻一下一個來試試囉

之前上英文課時有一堂是說horoscope, 說了chinese & western sign和他們的personality I think it is so interesting ^_^

之前上英文課時有一堂是說horoscope, 說了chinese & western sign和他們的personality I think it is so interesting ^_^ 謝謝囉 有空常來討論吧

我只記得英文星座三四個而已 這實在是太方便了 多一個可以聊的話題
