昨天收到airphil寄來的信件, 說原本的下午2:30班機改成早上9:50 但是因為時間太早了 我預計如果是這個時間那至少早上六點就要離開長灘了 因為我們還有兩個小孩所以不想要這個航班 回信給airphil後他說可以rebook 請問rebook可以改成從caticlan回馬尼拉嗎? 還有rebook要怎麼rebook呢?? 如果真的無法更改時間 還是維持9:50、而且提前web check in 請問最晚可以幾點離開長灘呢??
發布時間: 2012-07-28我們剛從長灘島回來 之前也是airphi要求更改我們航班到早上這班 因此花了幾天和他們溝通 你可以試試提出要求是否改到Caticlan 不然就要求晚一點的班機 之前我們在長灘島網路很不穩 菲鷹的web check in會用到flash 因此我用iphone和ipad都不能web check in 用電腦有時又一直出現錯誤訊息 這經驗供參考
昨天收到airphil寄來的信件, 說原本的下午2:30班機改成早上9:50 但是因為時間太早了 我預計如果是這個時間那至少早上六點就要離開長灘了 因為我們還有兩個小孩所以不想要這個航班 回信給airphil後他說可以rebook 請問rebook可以改成從caticlan回馬尼拉嗎? 還有rebook要怎麼rebook呢?? 如果真的無法更改時間 還是維持9:50、而且提前web check in 請問最晚可以幾點離開長灘呢?? 我們也是拒絕改這班,太早了,小孩會受不了,所以我們是改成晚上7:55這班,結果7:30左右就起飛了。 當初選擇菲鷹就有考慮到若delay會影響國際段,所以我把日期提早一天,前一晚到馬尼拉過夜,隔天(也就是昨天27號)再回來,去MOA逛了一下午。不過因為這幾天的MNL-TPI改到6:55飛,不然其實應該是接得上的。 你也可以試試要求改到caticlan飛,若成功就更省事了。 題外話,我們前天離開caticlan是搭Island Star Express的大巴士,大人200,小孩120,我覺得比Van舒服多了(Van擠得要死),又安全,只是時間上要再多花個約半小時。
昨天收到airphil寄來的信件, 說原本的下午2:30班機改成早上9:50 但是因為時間太早了 我預計如果是這個時間那至少早上六點就要離開長灘了 因為我們還有兩個小孩所以不想要這個航班 回信給airphil後他說可以rebook 請問rebook可以改成從caticlan回馬尼拉嗎? 還有rebook要怎麼rebook呢?? 如果真的無法更改時間 還是維持9:50、而且提前web check in 請問最晚可以幾點離開長灘呢?? 請寫信到 [email protected] 絕對可以該改時間 我8/16跟8/21來回薄荷島的航班時間分別提早30分鐘跟20分鐘,沒收到通知是我自己到"管理我的預定"發現,因此我發了email通知更改航班 我的發信內容: Dear Sir/Madam, I learn that my itineraries have been changed due to your commercial reasons, from my booking list on your official website. Some of my booking information was given as follows: 1.Booking Reference :XXXXXX 2.Outbound flight: OLD: Depart: Thu, 16 Aug 2012,01:30 PM Manila , PH (MNL) Arrive: Thu, 16 Aug 2012,02:45 PM Bohol (Tagbilaran) , PH (TAG) NEW: Depart: Thu, 16 Aug 2012,01:00 PM Manila , PH (MNL) Arrive: Thu, 16 Aug 2012,02:15 PM Bohol (Tagbilaran) , PH (TAG) 3.Inbound flight: OLD: Depart: Tue, 21 Aug 2012, 03:15 PM Bohol (Tagbilaran) , PH (TAG) Arrive: Tue, 21 Aug 2012, 04:30 PM Manila , PH (MNL) NEW: Depart: Tue, 21 Aug 2012, 02:55 PM Bohol (Tagbilaran) , PH (TAG) Arrive: Tue, 21 Aug 2012, 04:10 PM Manila , PH (MNL) Owing to the change, I must cancel some activities or arrange activities ahead. So please reschedule my inbound flight for flight No. 2P 956, Tue, 21 Aug 2012, 11:15 AM, if possible. If you need further information, please tell me. Thanks for understanding. 菲鷹的回信: Dear Mr. X, Greetings! We are pleased to process your request. For verification purposes, please provide us the following details: Booking Reservation Code: _____________ Name(s) of the Passenger: _____________ Name of the Person who made the Reservation: _______________ ORIGINAL Flight Details to be Rebooked Date: ________________ Route: _______________ Time: ________________ NEW Flight Details Date: ________________ Route: _______________ Time: ________________ Please advise us accordingly so we may process your request as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing Airphil Express. Sincerely yours, Airphil Express Reservations Wen * Please be reminded that cancellation/ flight changes shall be allowed if the same is made at least not less than 24 hours prior to flight. Disclaimer: This E-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this E-mail. 至於改由CATICLAN飛回,寫個理由,我認為有很大可能性
我們八月飛KALIBO的班機被取消,MAIL通知說要改晚班機,寫信到[email protected]去問是說可以改時間(90天內的航班),但不可改飛CATICLAN,所以不要坐早上的只能選晚上7:55這班...