大家好 1.本人因為8/7申請簽證,但因為公司不方便請假.所以x光拖到8/27到中國醫藥學院才完成. 但是到目前尚未收到核准 2.這期間澳洲的處理人員他有發mail給我內容是要我回答問題這好像是申請簽證就回答過了:\'( 3.還有阿 我的體檢打電話去問~ 他們說我有脊椎側彎的問題醫生好像幫我打評分是 "A" 這又是什麼意思 ? 我真的沒辦法去澳洲嗎? 請問有人遇過這問題嗎? 那我是回MIAL回答問題即可嗎? 我都答 YES 對吧? Please answer YES or NO to each declaration individually: 1. You have read and understand the information provided to you at the beginning of the application, and you are aware of the conditions that will apply to your visa and that you are required to abide by them. 2. You understand that the visa you are applying for does not permit you to be employed in Australia with one employer for more than 6 months. Hobart Global 3. You understand that the visa you are applying for does not permit you to undertake studies or training for more than 4 months. 4. You have sufficient funds for the initial period of your stay in Australia and for the fare to your intended overseas destination upon leaving Australia. 5. Any employment during your holiday in Australia will be short-term employment and the purpose of working is to supplement your holiday funds. 6. You are applying for a Working Holiday visa for the first time and have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (on a passport of any country). 7. You have truthfully declared all relevant details required of you in your application. 8. If granted a visa, you will advise the Australian Government of any change in your circumstances. 9. You will respect Australian values during your stay in Australia and will obey the laws of Australia.
發布時間: 2013-09-05推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1外交部領事事務局全球資訊網-簽證
服務時間:申請護照、簽證及文件證明櫃檯受理時間為週一至週五上午08:30 — 下午17:00 (中午不休息,另申辦護照櫃檯每週三延長辦公時間至20:00止,惟倘遇天災 ... 您的瀏覽器不支援...
- 2MEET TAIWAN-來臺簽證資訊
效期逾期10年以內居留證或簽證。 IV. 持澳洲、紐西蘭電子簽證申請核准證明者,該電子簽證須尚在有效期限內。 V. 持日本簽證申請核准證明者,須另檢附入境日本 ... 來臺簽證及入境來臺簽證資...
- 3【簽證全攻略】2020年申請台灣簽證攻略 - 機票
簽證經核准後,申請者需要自行列印「香港澳門居民網路申辦入臺許可同意書暨入境登記表」,連同有效期3個月以上的護照、身份證正本及來回機票, ... 旅遊資訊 旅遊貼士 【簽證全攻略】2020年...
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多次入境觀光簽證. Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV). 申請對象:台灣地區人民或領有台灣地區外僑居留證之外國籍人士. 文件需求:. 1. 護照正本(六個月以上...
- 5外交部領事事務局全球資訊網-簽證Q&A
1什麼是電子簽證?106-08-15; 2誰具備申請電子簽證的資格?108-11-19; 3哪種護照 ... 17我輸入信用卡發卡銀行提供之3D驗證碼後,網頁顯示交易時間已過,我應該 ... ...
- 6事務所地址・簽證受理時間・業務範圍等| 公益財団法人日本台灣 ...
地址 : 台北市慶城街28號通泰商業大樓1樓 ◎ 電話 : (02)2713-8000 ◎ 受理申請及領証時間 星期一~星期五 上午 09:00~11:30 下午13:30~16:00. ※請注...