●Arrivals 入境 immigration 入境審查(移民局) immigration office 移民局 passport control (foreigner) 護照檢查(外國人) disembarkation card 入境申請書 immigration form baggage claim 行李提領 lost baggage 遺失行李 customs 海關 customs duties 關稅 declare 申報 customs declaration form 關稅申報 customs declaration form 關稅申報表 customs inspection 海關檢查 quarantine 檢疫 vaccination certificate 預防接種證明會 arrivals hall 入境大廳 transportation 交通運輸
發布時間: 2009-05-15●Disembarkation Card / Immigration Form 入境申請書 family name 姓 first name 名 date of birth 出生年月日 place of birth 出生地 nationality 國藉 occupation 職業 permanent address 永久地址 passport number 護照號碼 airport of embarkation 出發機場 purpose of visit 入境理由 intended length of stay 預定停留天數 address in ____ 預定居所在
●入境審查會問的問題 #入境目的 #What's the purpose of your visit? #要待多久 #How long will you be staying in XXXXX? #要住多久 #Where are you going to stay? #帶多少錢 #How much momey do you have with you? #工作是什麼 #What's your occupation? ●海關的問題 #有需要報稅的嗎 #Do you have anything to declare? #袋子裝什麼東西 #What's in your bag?
關於入境海關的檢查 可以參考下面這個澳洲海關的網站 http://www.daffa.gov.au/aqis/travel/entering-australia/cant-take#beforeyouland 有列出不能帶的物品的英文 和一些申報、檢疫可能要處理的狀況大家可以參考一下 澳洲算是檢疫入關方面相當嚴格的國家 所以應該可以把所有的狀況都有些了解.... Before you land in Australia You will be given an Incoming Passenger Card before you land in Australia. This is a legal document. You must tick YES to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material or animal products. If you have items you don’t wish to declare, you can dispose of them in quarantine bins in the airport terminal. On arrival your baggage may be X-Rayed, inspected or checked by a detector dog team. If you fail to declare or dispose of any quarantine items, or make a false declaration: you will be caught you could receive an on-the-spot fine of up to $AUD220, or you could be prosecuted and face a fine of up to $AUD66,000 or 10 years imprisonment which may result in a criminal record. You will not be penalised if goods are declared. An important note for domestic passengers travelling on international flights: If you’re carrying food or other items subject to quarantine, you must show the AQIS officer a receipt or other document proving that the product is of Australian origin. If you cannot show proof, your goods will be seized. Please note that some states prohibit the entry of fresh fruit from other parts of Australia. What happens to items I declare? In many cases items you declare will be returned to you after inspection. However, anything that presents a disease risk or is found to contain insects or larvae will be withheld. Depending on the quarantine risk, you can: pay for the item to be treated to make it safe (for example fumigation, irradiation)* store the item at the airport for collection when you leave Australia* re-export the item* or have the item destroyed by AQIS. Treatment may damage goods. AQIS makes every effort to minimise the risk of damage but does not accept liability for damage that may occur as a result of treatment.
好久沒宣傳了 只是覺的愈來愈沒力 好象有一個月讓旅行外語靜靜的躺在這邊了 不知道有多少人曾經來看過 可能看的人多留言的人少吧 希望大家多多少少留個言吧 有個人的見解分享最好 沒有的也可以留個言打聲招呼 增加個人氣囉 不然的話按個感謝也好 至少讓要來評估的系統管理老大們知道 這樣的討論話題是有人支持的啦 拜託大家啦 對於開始旅行的其他網友不好意思啦 占了這個討論區這麼多的空間 我也期待能夠早日有一個獨立的討論旅行外語的討論區啊 大家一起來連署支持一下吧
●入境審查會問的問題 #要住多久 (這個是 要住哪裏吧??!!) #Where are you going to stay? #帶多少錢 #How much moNey do you have with you? 哈 突然回頭看這篇 找到小問題~~:-$
有有有… 這篇對我有幫助 來出個聲 最近要孤身一人去美國,皮皮挫啊~~
missah老師好(A) 我來上課了(Y)
上課中 老師 辛苦了XD
非常有幫助的唷 感謝你的辛勞~ 多少複習一點至少到時不會手忙腳亂:-P
謝謝你們的提供^^對即將要一個人遠赴美國的我來說幫助真的很大...如果還有其他英文達人們,也希望你們能藉由這個機會幫助需要幫助的我們吧!! THANK YOU(L)
謝謝啦!! 月底一個人要去austraia 預計要去8天 正在惡補英文中
很棒的分享!! 最近要去美國,正煩惱英文不通 這個實在很有幫助唷(F)
真是太感謝了... 星期一要出發到澳洲..現在要來努力惡補... 正在皮皮剉中~~~
感謝分享 多一些人分享 便多一分力量
很實用…感謝分享 :)
謝謝!!!很有幫助>"< 對於英文幼幼班的我至少自信心增加不少^Q^ 再鞠躬!!!感恩~~~~~(Y)
有看有推 感謝分享!
先寫下來 :P 到時候出國才不用太擔心!! 謝謝大大的分享
第一次一個人出國,英文又不好,目的地是英國...... 看到這篇....超感動的~~