我喜歡住hostel or backpack, 也喜歡鐵路遊, 多步行也可以, 但不懂行山或溪澗. 想到瑞士自由行, 欣賞湖光山色, 與當地人多接觸, 過當地的生活, 感受他們的文化. Prefer 全國遊, 大城市小村莊都想逛, 最好就是早出晚歸, 飲食沒太講究, 喜歡買些生果、麵包、ham + 湖泊風景=我的美味午餐 我有假期約25-28日, 本人不愛好"青蜓點水"或"走馬看花"的旅遊方式, 所以很難有"志同道俠"同遊景地. 不知有誰和我的想法相似, 也曾遊瑞士多日, 走進每個城市的小孔和縫隙, 與當地人相處的機會, 計劃仔細, 不會浪費每個不可或缺的體驗好機會, 就算是碰釘也是一個經歷, 也是特別。 我已閱讀了基本的資料, 如地區分佈、少許當地特色、等。希望你們幫幫手, 提供你認為不可缺少的寶貴資料、行程建議、你們的所見所聞, 並願意與我分享。 因我在每次旅遊之前都希望可以盡量知道多一點有關當地的事, 特此在這裡求問大家, 希望你們不厭其煩告訴我知啦!!!! 我定必把這些寶貴意見、資料、所有的細節記錄下來, 於適當時使用。 願我在日後也能與你們分享我的經歷, looking forward to seeing your comments, suggestions, recommendation soon. Pinga
Switzerland 25-28 days
發布時間: 2010-02-08推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
Switzerland HolidayItaly holiday 2020France public holiday 2020Whit MondaySwiss holidayGermany Holiday 2020Switzerland holiday 2020
- 1Holidays and observances in Switzerland in 2020
Events and observations associated with the holidays we list may be canceled or otherwise affe...
- 2Coronavirus: the situation in Switzerland - SWI swissinfo.ch
After imposing unprecedented restrictions on public life to contain the pandemic, Switzerland h...
- 3Public holidays in Switzerland - Wikipedia
The 26 cantons that make up Switzerland set their public holidays independently – with the exc...
- 4National Holidays in Switzerland in 2020 | Office Holidays
Office Holidays provides calendars with dates and information on public holidays and bank holid...
- 5Swiss enjoy more and more paid annual leave - SWI swissinfo ...
Swiss employees have more and more holidays: within a period of 20 years the average annual quo...
- 6Year 2020 Calendar – Switzerland - TimeAndDate.com
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