我在book上訂了沙巴的sixty3,隔兩天便收到飯店人員的mail,要求在信件附的連結再次信用卡授權,否則將會取消我的訂房,我感到很疑惑,該飯店在訂房當下已經預授權了,那表示book已經給他我的信用卡資料,可是為啥飯店會再次要求信用卡授權呢?以往訂房未曾遇過,這是第一次。 We need you to fill in the credit card authorization in order us to confirmed your booking.Please take note that this is a Non-Refundable Booking.This procedure is required according to our hotel policy and bank requirement to avoid fraud card. You ma y click the link below; Only VISA/MASTER/AMEX acceptable for manual chargeCREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM – https://form.jotform.me/61391569591466 Full payment will be charged to your credit | charge card provided by yourself upon booking. Kindly take note that incomplete information | documentation will not be entertained. Please ensure you are doing this before 11th JAN-4:00PM or your booking will be rejected. Thank you for you kind understanding and corporation. 我已跟book提出確認,目前待回覆,後續會上來回報,因為我覺得很像是詐騙,希望網友若遇到與我一樣的問題,先別急著依照郵件再次授權,已確保自身財產。:)
發布時間: 2019-01-08推薦指數: 10人已投票
我等不及回覆,也不確定信件到底有無寄出,乾脆自己打去客房,得到的答案是郵件的確是由飯店發出,原因可能是小飯店的授權等級比較低,所以才需要我另行授權,不知道有無其他人也碰上這樣情況? 這種爛飯店你也敢住?