真的很烏龍..... 虎航網站查了很久,廉價航空服務真的比較不好....... 我只看到新加坡的服務電話沒有電子信箱, 結果我打了四通電話過去= = 完全就是在語音狀態,打了好幾次...... 等轉客服的時間加起來 起碼有十幾分鐘吧! 但就是沒人接,快把我氣死了= = 想請問各位前輩 沒有confirmation number letter會影響登機嗎? 可不可以只拿出護照就好了...... 不好意思 問題有點笨 因為之前出國都是跟團....... 這是第一次全部自己辦。 (我十二月十二要從新加坡飛往伯斯)
(急問)線上訂購虎航機票 忘了記下confirmation number 可以登機嗎?
發布時間: 2009-12-01(T)chiao1984, 当你在線上訂購虎航機票和确认后,虎航会自动寄上电子机票和资料到你电子信箱。
它的check in 要求 6.2 Requirement For Check-in: On check-in you are required to present certain information relating to your flight and identity. This must include the Booking Confirmation for the flight and acceptable forms of identification. For Domestic Flights this needs to be valid photo identification and for International Flights it needs to be a valid passport with the required validity period. For infants not requiring their own seat, proof of age (under 2 years) may be required, such as birth certificate for Domestic Flights only.