
發布時間: 2013-04-13
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

請問各位 我計劃於今年8月5日-12日到泰國蘇梅島遊玩,我於網上進行訂機位手續,可是到最後的付款程序時,出現左以下既狀況 『5140: Payment Validation Error. An unknown error has occured with the form of payment you have chosen, you have not been charged. but due to system failure we cannot accept this form of payment at this time. Please try another form of payment or try again at a later time.』 我已致電亞航詢問,他解釋說最近較多人上網購票,因為現在是優惠期間,所以可能網絡上負荷不了,建議我稍後再試,可是我由今晚7點到現在試了無數次,也嘗試了用另外的credit card,也試了另外的瀏覽器(Firefox & Chrome),還是出現相同的狀況,請問有人遇到跟我一樣的狀況嗎?如何才能完成訂購機票程序?感謝大家的幫忙 越久完成越害怕價格變動...唉...
