抱歉 因為手殘直接訂了錯誤日期 但我用paypal付款 paypal那邊顯示付款失敗 現在預訂系統的管理訂單中寫的是未付款狀態 請問我是不是可以先不用付款 讓他在兩小時後自動取消 請求回應 感謝各位大大
急 求問亞航訂票問題
發布時間: 2015-04-16拜託各位大大可以給我一點點答案或經驗嗎 拜託您們了,感恩。
試了一下,沒付款的訊息如下: CONFIRMATIONNEED PAYMENT Booking number : xxxxxx Total paid: 0.00 TWD If you have made a successful payment but did not receive any confirmation on booking status after 2 hours, rest assured that your booking will be verified by AirAsia personnel within 48 hours and confirmation will be sent to you. If no payment is deducted, please proceed to Manage my booking to make the outstanding payment. This reservation will remain on hold until Friday, 17 April 2015 at 4:28 (4:28 AM) → 超過時效,就自動取消訂單。