吉隆坡(LCCT)和亞庇由RM25(260TWD)調漲至RM32(330TWD) 檳城,蘭卡威和古晉由RM51調漲至RM65 由11月25日00:01起購票開始調漲 還沒買票的捧優們快趁這幾天下單吧 Malaysia Airports Berhad (MAB) has enforced the increment of airport tax for all airports throughout Malaysia for all International Flights. “You can increase if you improve the facilities. I don’t see the justification for it as our guests are the ones paying for it, and it costs more to fly now” – Kathleen Tan, Regional Head of Commercial With compliance, the airport tax raise will be effective from this 25th November 2011 (Friday) at 00:01 hrs (GMT+8). All flights purchased from 25th November 2011 onwards will adhere to the new airport tax increase. *Please note that the airport tax are 100% payable to Malaysia Airports Berhad. (and not to us)
發布時間: 2011-11-23推薦指數: 10人已投票
AirAsia Berhad will not be adhering to the raise of the airport tax collection on the 25th of November 2011 and we will continue to try to lobby not in favor of the airport tax raise, with your support.