1. SPG員工親友價: http://www.starwoodhotels.com/promotions/rateplankey_search.html?section=promotion&category=FRIENDS 或者: https://www.starwoodhotels.com/promotions/rateplankey_search.html?section=promotion&layout=1&category=STARHOT&rp=RC:STARH,RC:STRFND,RC:BARRTE 2. SPG員工價 http://www.16518.com/ 這個是搜尋北京地區的喜達屋連鎖旅館的協議價格, PS:員工價有風險,使用請謹慎。(原帖見 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_623990080101i7uw.html) 這個價格有風險,而且不宜擴散太廣。親友價一般旅館查的不太嚴格,你只需要在網上搜尋下某家SPG旅館員工的個人資訊,然後記住即可,最好是別國某個旅館的,這樣即使前臺想打個電話驗證也會覺得麻煩。但員工價不同,要使用這個價格需要帶著一張所謂的SPG員工親友價格證明的白單,要求有GM簽名。最後的辦法就是你認識某個SPG的員工,或者某個願意送你這張白單的朋友。即使你不認識,那麼想辦法去認識一個就是了。 Terms & Conditions StarFRND provides for discounted rooms at participating hotels for associates’ friends and family members/relatives not eligible for HOT Rates. This program is for non-business, leisure travel only. This benefit is offered to all regular full and part time associates upon commencement of employment. Associates must be actively employed to participate in this benefit. The following restrictions apply: Any stay, whether one room or multiple rooms, may not exceed 14 room-nights. This benefit is offered on a space available basis at all participating hotels STARWOOD PREFERRED GUEST (SPG) Friends and family members who participate in SPG and are paying for a StarFRND rate may earn points on their eligible incidentals but will not earn Starpoints or airline miles for the StarFRND rate itself. Friends and family members can earn Starpoints when paying any other qualifying rate. RESERVATIONS PROCEDURES Reservations are to be made using the methods outlined below. Under no circumstances should the destination property be contacted directly. Reservations can be made as follows: Starwood associates can visit one.starwoodhotels.comand select E-Tools to Book StarFRND. Credit card guarantee is required. Associates and family members who do not have access to Starwood ONE can book a reservation on any PC throughwww.starwoodhotels.com/starfriend. Credit card guarantee is required. Rates and detailed property information are included in the above sites. Reservations may be guaranteed as follows: Credit card guarantee. Advance Deposit - mailing an advance deposit check directly to the property, according to the property’s advance deposit policy. Many properties and resorts require an advance deposit because certain remote destinations have no way to replace a short term cancellation. If travel plans change and the friend / family member is unable to utilize the reserved discounted room, he/she is responsible for canceling the reservation(s). Failure to do so will revoke this benefit. Property cancellation and no-show policies and procedures apply to all StarFRND reservations. Friends and family members are responsible for all room, tax and incidental charges. Charges for telephone, laundry, valet, parking, transportation and recreational activities (i.e., golf and tennis) will not be discounted. Applicable local taxes are the responsibility of the associate / family member. Charges incurred must be settled upon checkout. Credit and direct billing privileges will not be extended to Friends and family members. PROOF OF BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY – StarFRND Reservation Authorization Form The human resources department at each Starwood location must print the StarFRND reservation authorization form on property / location letterhead. Each time an associate / family member makes a StarFRND reservation, the associate must obtain a form from human resources. The form must be completed by the associate and then validated by a human resources representative. The HR validation includes printed name, signature and phone number of the HR representative authorizing the reservation. In the event of a question or concern about a particular StarFRND reservation, properties can identify the origin of the reservation by both the property letterhead on which the form is printed and the HR contact information. The form will not be considered valid unless it is printed on letterhead with the name and address of the property / location, completed in its entirety and the HR contact information is clear and legible. ASSOCIATE CONDUCT Friends and family members are expected to maintain our standards of conduct at all times while participating in this program at any of our hotels. Friends and family members visiting Starwood properties will be treated in the same manner as regular hotel guests, receiving the same services and courtesies that would otherwise be granted. Likewise, the friend or family member should seek only those services and courtesies that would normally be extended to any guest and are not permitted into back of the house areas. RESTRICTIONS/EXCLUSIONS – StarFRND Room Rates Special provision for StarFRND room rates in the state of Massachusetts: the State Department of Revenue regulates the pricing of discounted hotel rooms; therefore, the StarFRND rate structure may be different in that state. St. Regis properties are not required to participate but may opt in at their own discretion. All StarFRND discounts are subject to change. We reserve the right to change or cancel this benefit at any time. 2008 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.
發布時間: 2014-03-03https://www.starwoodhotels.com/promotions/terms_conditions.html?language=zh_CN&promoCode=STARHOT 條款與適用條件: StarHOT可在參與計劃旅館為喜達屋員工和參與計劃的喜達屋特許經營旅館員工提供折扣房價。本計劃僅適用於非商務類的休閒旅客。本優惠適用於與喜達屋建立僱傭關係的所有正式全職員工和兼職員工。員工必須在有效僱用期間方可內享受此項優惠。員工每年最多可預訂25次客房預訂(每客房/晚計為一次),視客房供應情況而定。本優惠具有以下限制:•無論是一間還是多間客房,任何住宿均不能超過14次客房預訂(每客房/晚計為一次)。•本優惠適用於所有參與計劃的旅館(而不是僅限於員工所在旅館),視客房供應情況而定。家庭折扣房價:折扣房價適用於符合條件的員工直系家庭成員。直系親屬包括配偶、家庭內部伴侶*、子女、兄弟姐妹、父母和公婆或岳父母。無論是否與員工同行,家庭成員均可享受同等優惠。家庭成員所使用的折扣客房將被視為員工25次客房預訂總額中的一部分(每客房/晚計為一次)。如果員工為不具有權限的人員謊報資格以享受優惠,將會受到紀律處分,甚至會導致僱傭關係的終止。 按照我們優惠計劃中的規定 喜達屋優先顧客(SPG) 喜達屋員工及其旗下旅館所屬員工所支付的任何旅館費用均不可獲得Starpoints積分或飛行里數。 加入喜達屋優先顧客(SPG)計劃的家庭成員以及享受StarHOT房價的家庭成員可為其認可的其他費用獲得積分,但StarHOT房價本身不得用以獲得Starpoints積分或飛行里數。家庭成員在支付任何其他符合條件的房價時可獲得Starpoints積分。 參與下列獎勵計劃的人員可繼續根據計劃規定獲得併兌換積分: •團隊HOT獎勵計劃 •北美分部銷售獎勵計劃 •美國運通/SPG計劃 注意:加入這些計劃的員工可按照一般會員兌換積分的方式將積分兌換為旅館客房、飛行里數、Avis租車服務或商品。此外,員工還可將積分兌換為美國運通禮券支票。計劃管理有關使用強制性擔保政策的旅館重要注意事項。StarLink經改進後現可提供無擔保預訂選項。除了 要求在預訂時提供強制性押金的度假旅館外,StarLink將取代用於StarHOT房價計劃中客房預訂的強制性擔保政策,允許無擔保預訂。這是一項對在預訂時沒有使用信用卡的員工優惠。旅館必須在預訂日期的保留時間即下午4:00或6:00前,保留並兌現這些預訂。只有超過此時間後才可取消預訂,除非員工已提供信用卡或郵寄押金。限制 –可提供的客房視供應情況而定。如果所申請日期的入住率達到或預計將達到806薦芯釩咥窨戓tarHOT計劃。如果入住率低於或預計低於80F釩咥Ч噥嶥迧軒珧4祤氥鴩餥鋥Super Bowl超級杯、狂歡節等特殊活動期間,不保證提供折扣客房。可能有日期限制及各旅館其他限制。我們保留隨時更改或取消此優惠的權利。預訂流程請使用以下所列方式進行預訂。任何情況下都不得直接聯繫目的地旅館。預訂可採用以下方式:•喜達屋員工可訪問www.one.starwoodhotels.com選擇電子工具以預訂StarHOT。要求提供信用卡擔保。•無權訪問Starwood ONE的員工和家庭成員可訪問www.starwoodhotels.com/starhot通過任何計算機進行預訂。要求提供信用卡擔保。•撥打互動式語音應答係統(IVR)免費電話888-625-5140。請注意,IVR僅限於提前九十(90)天內的預訂。對於超過九十天的預訂,以上所列網站將是最佳方式。(美國以外地區,請參見www.starwoodhotels.com/preferredguest/reservations上提供的全球免費電話列表。)•上述站點中含有房價和旅館詳細資訊。預訂可使用以下方式擔保:•信用卡擔保。•預繳押金-預繳押金-根據旅館的預繳押金政策,直接將預繳押金支票寄往旅館。由於某些遠程目的地無法將短期內取消的客房重新投入使用,因此,許多旅館及度假旅館要求預繳押金。•無擔保預訂可根據旅館的無擔保預訂政策取消。如果旅行計劃發生變更,則員工/家庭成員將無法使用所預訂的折扣客房,他/她有義務取消預訂,否則此項優惠將被取消。旅館的取消預訂和失約政策及其流程均適用於所有員工預訂。員工/家庭成員需承擔所有房費/稅費和雜費。電話、洗衣、服務、泊車、交通以及娛樂活動(如高爾夫和網球)費用不得享受折扣。員工/家庭成員應承擔適用的當地稅費。所産生的一切費用必須在退房時付訖。信用和直接帳單特權不適用於員工/家庭成員。優惠 資格證明– StarHOT預訂批准表各喜達屋所在地的人力資源部門必須使用旅館/機構信箋列印StarHOT預訂批准表。每當員工/家庭成員進行StarHOT預訂時,員工都必須從人力資源部門獲取該表。該表必須由員工填寫後由人力資源代表進行批准。人力資源部門的批准證明包括批准該預訂的人力資源代表的姓名、簽名和聯繫電話。若就某一項StarHOT預訂有任何疑問,旅館可通過該表所使用的旅館信箋和人力資源部聯繫資訊識別預訂的出處。批准表必須列印在含有旅館/機構名稱和地址的信箋上面、填寫完整且人力資源聯繫資訊清晰工整的情況下才被視為有效。員工行為喜達屋員工及家庭成員在旗下任何一家旅館參與此項計劃時,均應時刻遵守喜達屋行為準則。入住喜達屋旅館的員工及家庭成員將與正常旅館客人享受同等待遇、服務和禮遇。同樣,員工及家庭成員也只能享受正常情況下可為客人提供服務和禮遇,且不得擅自進入後勤區域。 2009喜達屋旅館及度假旅館國際集團。
员工及家庭成员也只能享受正常情况下可为客人提供服务和礼遇,且不得擅自进入后勤区域。 2009喜达屋酒店及度假酒店国际集团