
發布時間: 2020-03-25
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

4/1飛首爾4/5回台北, 大約3/12左右公告可退回原付款, 3/20左右又公告退代金卷。 請問有人看的懂酷航規則嗎? 我需要打電話去call center 或是什麼都不用做。 感謝意見

可以參考看看這篇。 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=10416542 剛看到酷航到四月底停飛的消息 這個主題中的二樓,有提到官方粉絲團對退款的一些說明,也可參考 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=10421028

我也是越來越看不懂酷航的規則了, 打到客服都說只能退代金券, 前幾個禮拜收到酷航的信, 看到有網友也收到那封退款信後,打到客服去問,客服說可以退款,底下也有幾個網友說收到退款了, 所以我想說再等一下吧。 結果前幾天酷航又發文說只能退代金券, 所以到底是……?

沒現金流了 酷航已經暫時全面停航 SIN裡面放滿他的飛機 All customers affected by the flight cancellations will be notified progressively, and will receive a Scoot travel voucher on the unused portion of their itinerary within 30 business days. No further action is required of them. 3/15前"被取消"或主動取消的 才有機會退現金 Customers with bookings for uncancelled Scoot flights made on or before 15 March 2020, for travel dates until 31 May 2020, may change their travel plans by requesting a refund in vouchers via the “Manage My Booking” portal on Scoot’s website. Those who booked through third-party booking channels or travel agencies are advised to contact the relevant channel or agents for assistance with refunds. https://www.flyscoot.com/zhtw/announcements/temporary-flight-suspensions

沒現金流了 酷航已經暫時全面停航 SIN裡面放滿他的飛機 All customers affected by the flight cancellations will be notified progressively, and will receive a Scoot travel voucher on the unused portion of their itinerary within 30 business days. No further action is required of them. 3/15前"被取消"或主動取消的 才有機會退現金 Customers with bookings for uncancelled Scoot flights made on or before 15 March 2020, for travel dates until 31 May 2020, may change their travel plans by requesting a refund in vouchers via the “Manage My Booking” portal on Scoot’s website. Those who booked through third-party booking channels or travel agencies are advised to contact the relevant channel or agents for assistance with refunds. https://www.flyscoot.com/zhtw/announcements/temporary-flight-suspensions 原來如此,我是3/9要求退票的



我已在2天前收到信用卡全額刷退。 羨慕~ 雖然酷航說可以退回信用卡了, 等到現在還沒收到QQ
