雖然離出發7/10還有幾天 不過看樣子颱風影響的成面好像有點大 這邊請教包友 今年3月分段買了酷航的桃園-成田及成田-桃園的票(分開買) 假使颱風真的影響到該航班停飛 那我該怎麼處理接下來的問題 爬文有說發代金卷或48小時候補 但我們一行8個人 要補到似乎有點難度 所以想問 是不是可以直接退費? 那成田飛桃園的班機也可以一起退?
發布時間: 2015-07-06颱風取消應該可以退 分開買的回程就不能退了因為沒遇到颱風取消
酷航的運送條款有寫 https://www.flyscoot.com/images/COC/scoot_conditions_of_carriage_final.pdf 9.4 – DELAYED/ CANCELLED FLIGHTS (UNCONTROLLABLE CIRCUMSTANCES) Uncontrollable circumstances include but are not limited to weather conditions at point of origin or destination or en-route to other ports, industrial action caused by staff not directly employed by Scoot, air traffic control requirements/ restrictions, or closure of runways. If your flight is cancelled due to an uncontrollable circumstance, we will try our best to put you on the next available Scoot flight between the same origin and destination as soon as possible, at no additional cost. If we are unable to provide you with a flight, or if you postpone your travel, we will offer you a travel voucher equivalent to your itinerary value, excluding any amounts for third party products and services, valid for six ( 6) months fromthe date of issue. Except as provided in a Convention or applicable law, we will not pay any costs or expenses you incur as a result of the uncontrollable delay or cancellation. We strongly recommend you obtain comprehensive travel insurance to cover all your travels. 按照他們的規定,他們退的就是六個月內要使用的票價等額代金券,不直接退費。
酷航的運送條款有寫 https://www.flyscoot.com/images/COC/scoot_conditions_of_carriage_final.pdf 9.4 – DELAYED/ CANCELLED FLIGHTS (UNCONTROLLABLE CIRCUMSTANCES) Uncontrollable circumstances include but are not limited to weather conditions at point of origin or destination or en-route to other ports, industrial action caused by staff not directly employed by Scoot, air traffic control requirements/ restrictions, or closure of runways. If your flight is cancelled due to an uncontrollable circumstance, we will try our best to put you on the next available Scoot flight between the same origin and destination as soon as possible, at no additional cost. If we are unable to provide you with a flight, or if you postpone your travel, we will offer you a travel voucher equivalent to your itinerary value, excluding any amounts for third party products and services, valid for six ( 6) months fromthe date of issue. Except as provided in a Convention or applicable law, we will not pay any costs or expenses you incur as a result of the uncontrollable delay or cancellation. We strongly recommend you obtain comprehensive travel insurance to cover all your travels. 按照他們的規定,他們退的就是六個月內要使用的票價等額代金券,不直接退費。 感謝大大回覆,現在就聽天由命啦