
發布時間: 2015-02-04
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

各位棧友, 我買虎航來回票,但去程日期錯了,所以重買其他天,但去程沒飛,回程可以使用嗎?

當然可以啊!!! 各位棧友, 我買虎航來回票,但去程日期錯了,所以重買其他天,但去程沒飛,回程可以使用嗎?

可去電問一下.印象中不行因為沒有去程搭乘Chenk In 記錄回程搭乘可能不行.

LCC是可 來回也就是二張單程

LCC是可 來回也就是二張單程 大部分LCC是這樣,但也有例外,像酷航前年就有改: http://www.flyscoot.com/images/COC/scoot_conditions_of_carriage_final.pdf?version=251113 9.6 - ­CANCELLATION OF RETURN SECTORS If you miss the first flight in a Booking that has onward or return sectors, we will cancel the remaining flights in your booking unless you call a Scoot Call Centre within 48 hours of the departure time of the flight that you missed.We will not be liable to you for any loss that you may suffer if you fail to do so. We strongly recommend that you purchase comprehensive travel insurance to cover all your travels. 酷航的話,如果去程不搭,並須在48小時內通知,否則後面的航班或回程都會被註銷。

分開買機票可以 但如果是同張訂單要看各家規定
