
發布時間: 2012-12-13
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

小妹我在今年十月份坐亞航去澳洲玩, 其中吉隆坡到雪梨的航程delay了五個半小時, 現在亞航發了封信說可以退款每人400馬幣(約台幣4000元), 但規定要下次旅程使用,且三個月內預訂完畢,也可轉給別人使用。 問題來了, 我進入亞航網站預定下一次行程後,無法使用那400馬幣的退款, 也不知如何轉給別人使用,打電話到亞航詢問, 對方好像聽不懂我說的中文,結果也完全無法解決我的問題 請問: 1.有人有使用過亞航退款嗎? 2.如何在下次旅程中使用此400馬幣之退款? 3.或如何把此退款轉給別人使用? 另附上亞航寄來的信文字內容 ========================================================= Dear Valued Guest, Thank you for emailing Air Asia X. With regards to your request, please find below the details regards to Credit Shell for your perusal and please note that credit shell entitlement is only for boarded passengers Credit Shell -Login to www.airasia.com with your login ID and password -Create a new booking as per normal -The credit shell will be available for you to utilize upon reaching the payment page as Credit Account -If the amount is more than credit shell you may pay the balance with your credit card Lastly, kindly take note of the following: - It is valid for 90 days - Once expired, it will be locked by the system and it is not extendable - It is applicable for AK, FD, QZ, PQ, JW and D7 flights - It is transferable to any Family members or friends Or you can refer to this link for information about credit shell http://www.airasia.com/ask/template.do?id=423 If you agree with this Credit Shell, appreciate if you could able to provide the details as per below and we could able to escalate to the relevant department. Booking Number: Name of (Boarded Pax): AirAsia Member ID: We should wait for your reply. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We truly appreciate your valued patronage and we look forward to welcoming you back again soon. PS: AirAsia member ID number is 10digits number, you can see on your profile in your Airasia Account. ========================================================= Dear Valued Guest, We refer to your flight D7 222 from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney on the 19th October 2012. On the outset, we would like to apologise for the inconveniences caused as a result of the flight delay, which was due to operational reasons. Please be assured that this is an isolated case and that the comfort of our guests is of paramount importance to us. To that end, we hope that you will give us another opportunity to give you a much better experience next time around. As a gesture of goodwill, and in appreciation of any inconvenience caused, we would like to offer you a Credit Shell for the amount of MYR 400 per guest. This credit can be used by yourself or any other person authorized by yourself, for future travels with AirAsia X or AirAsia. You may also utilize this credit to purchase any AirAsia X or AirAsia pre-booked products/services. Please note that the Credit Shell is valid for 3 months from the date of issuance although you may use it for flights later than 3 months Please email to us at aax_preflight@airasia.com if you would like to accept this Credit Shell, so that we may make the necessary arrangements. Also, please find attached a letter confirming the retime for your travel insurance provider should you require it. Sincerely, AirAsia X Bhd[/SIZE]

那金額退入你的亞航帳戶了嗎? 通常要一段時間才會入帳戶, 從入帳戶開始算3個月. 如果已入帳戶, 你下次訂購付款時就可以選擇把它用掉. 致於轉給別人用, 意思就是用你的會員帳號進去, 買別人名字的機票.
