Lucas在菲律賓讀英文一個月,非常幸運的參加的學校周年的活動 除了有精彩的表演,還吃到菲律賓著名的傳統美食烤全豬 I'd learned a lot from SMEAG, not only English, but also a lot of notions. Even though I was studying ESL, but my Listening&Speaking teacher who named “Martin” had let me practice IELTS's speaking, he also encouraged me to study IELTS I in the future. 1923308 My writing skills were awful, but my Reading&Writing Teacher “Narcife” who also named “Nars”, she was patient and kind, if I don't understand what she had said, she will try to let me understand it step by step. My 1:4 teacher “Mitch” was also kind and humor, she will try to know about everyone and have a communication with them. One of the teachers in SMEAG that I very admire is “Dafne” she is very humorous and talkative, even though she was not my teacher, but she still had communicated with me and gave me some advice. The difference between Taiwan's education and SMEAG are the attitude of teacher, when you have a problem about your study, most of the teacher would be impatient and think that they have taught you that, so it was your problem about didn't pay attention during the class. But the truth is that you had pay attention, and you still don't know about it. In SMEAG, if you have any problem, you can ask any teacher if they got a free. The most difficult thing was watching everyone who you know went back to their countries on weekends, everyone came there at different times, left at different times. Sometimes the person that you know for few day would leave. Although that was difficult to say goodbye to them, but they have their own life, and you still can chat with them if you got their Facebook. 1923309 During the time in Philippines, I experienced lots of things that I afraid to do, like walking on the street in Cebu alone, playing Zipline and Skywalk even though I'm afraid of height, and swimming with Whale Shark. Before I went back to Taiwan, I had a chance to join SMEAG's 10 anniversary, since I got there, some teacher would practice dancing every night on weekdays, although the classes made them feel exhausted, they still practiced hard. On the day of 10 anniversary, I was shocked by them, because they had done many things that they didn't do during their practice, it was amazing to see those teacher dancing. On the day I left the Philippines I was sad ,the reason are not only the teachers and friends at SMEAG, but also those memories, it was a really great experience to study in SMEAG. 【圖文閱讀】 (¬if_id=1474981680067444) 【更多關於菲律賓訊息】 (
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- 1SMEAG語言學校心得 - 澳貝客
來到SMEAG這邊快兩個禮拜了,我想我來分享一下從素食者觀點描述前往 ... 本來我只打算唸兩個月ESL,後來多延長一個月學劍橋英文,真的是 ... 學生們紀錄了遊學過程中的甘苦談,從剛開始的...
- 2[菲律賓留遊學]RUMI ESL課程學習心得@ [菲律賓遊學] 宿霧 ...
[菲律賓留遊學]RUMI ESL課程學習心得 ... 在一個月後,我有我最喜歡的老師陣容教我英文。 在一對一讀寫課中,. 在老師和 ... 更多SMEAG 的學生感想分享 推薦文章. 在台灣的...
- 3SMEAG一個月esl心得分享 - 背包客棧
[遊學及外語學習]Lucas在菲律賓讀英文一個月,非常幸運的參加的學校周年的活動除了有精彩的表演,還吃到菲律賓著名的傳統美食烤全豬I'd ...
- 4菲律賓遊學心得分享- SMEAG 多益640-910的故事@ 澳貝客 ...
分享心得之前,先感謝父母的支持與同意讓我能全心全意的在宿霧專心唸書。 ... 此時一個以前大學時期的學弟向我推薦前往宿霧唸英文,他自己在 ... 第一個月ESL 每天三堂必修課程共4.5小時,L...
- 5SMEAG 1個月ESL+2個月的雅思課程– Patty 的菲律賓遊學 ...
SMEAG 1個月ESL+2個月的雅思課程– Patty 的菲律賓遊學心得分享 ... 的SMEAG語言學校遊學了三個月,其中讀了四週的一般英文(ESL)課程 ... 各區語言學校3 月 27...
- 6【宿霧SMEAG語言學校】-斯巴達校區心得分享 背包客遊學
【宿霧SMEAG語言學校】-斯巴達校區心得分享│背包客遊學 ... 報名了六個月的課程,前三個月選擇ESL課程來建立基本的聽說讀寫以及簡單的文法概念,而後三個月 ... 一開始對於文法單字都不懂...