最近去馬尼拉出差,趁閒暇時參加了一個day tour的行程,覺得不錯,提供給大家參考. 這是與我們公司合作的travel agent所提供的. 其實飯店也都有提供day tour 的服務,價格好像也都差不多. : p 1. Travel agent: Royal class travel and tour, inc. Tel No: 4120761(當地的電話) E-mail: [email protected] 2. 旅行社 Interisland travel Tel No: 5238720 (當地的電話) Guide: Joel **Taal Volcano Island Trekking (Tagaytay)** - Drive through scenic countryside to the ridge of Tagaytay and down to the town of Talisay in Batangas. - Light trekkers can view caldera from the rim of the crater. Islanders are renting out horses for minimal fee. Return to shoreline resort for a sumptuous dinner - Strong trekkers can hike through the expanse of hardened black up to an easy incline and down to the crater invites hikers to a relaxing swim. Return to a shoreline resort for a sumptuous lunch - Whole Day Tour of 8 to 10 hours. $5,775 peso 如果想騎馬上去,須另加$500peso, 要先談好. 其他的行程: **Tagaytay Ridge Tour (Tagaytay)** 1. Half day tour of 5 hours (with Refresehment) ends at the People's Park in the sky providing a picturesque 360 degrees view of 3 provinces south of Metro Manila $2,970 peso 2. Whole day tour of 8 hours (with Lunch) provides visit to GBR Museum or LaSalle Museum. Refreshment or lunch will be taken in a cozy restaurant by the overlooking of lake and volcano $3,740 peso **Hidden Valley Springs (Laguna)** - An ecological tour to a unique place. Its. Well-preserved and protected vegetation flourishes in a 300 feet deep crater. Believed to have been formed by volcanic upheaval thousands years ago. - A private resort that boasts virgin forest, century old trees, giant ferns, wild orchids, hidden water falls, and several natural spring pools. - Whole day tour of 8 to 10 hours (with entrance fees, buffet lunch and snack) $5,225 peso **Manila City Tour** - The interesting highlights aer Fort Santiago, The Manila American Cemetery and Memorial, The Rizal Park - Half Day Tour of 4 to 5 hours $1,870 peso - Whole Day Tour of 8 to 10 hours (Lunch Excluded) includes visit to Casa Manila, St. Augustine Church Museum and Bahay Tsinoy $4,000 peso
馬尼拉 day tour 參考行程
發布時間: 2007-03-10推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1馬尼拉一日遊(二日遊) - YA夫婦 旅遊手札
今年春節家族旅遊有一天安排在馬尼拉,我們規劃了大雅台一日遊的行程,跟Alison討論後,準備去我們去過的八打雁景點:塔爾火山跟大雅台喝咖啡,但總覺得這樣玩 ... 嗨!我們是 YA夫婦◎旅遊手...
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置頂 【菲律賓馬尼拉自由行】10個精選必玩景點懶人包及住宿推薦 ... 帆帆貓報好康國外住宿訂房網&行程建議&優惠資訊. 國外住宿訂房網: 這是現在最優惠的訂房 ... 還記得上一...
- 3菲律賓 愛妮島跳島行程TOUR A:大小潟湖・清水島・神秘潟湖El ...
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- 4馬尼拉週末快閃之旅行程大整理| Triplisher Stories
... 文章介紹馬尼拉之旅,現在來個事前規劃+行程大整理,給大家參考一下! ... 行程大整理. Day 1. 早晨五點半抵達馬尼拉,在機場先匯兌peso,搭上事先 ... 這天,我訂了day ...
- 5《無購物站》特選愛上馬尼拉5日~海洋公園14項券x百勝灘逆流 ...
優惠僅限全程參團,舉凡湊票、JOIN TOUR、嬰兒不適用此優惠,且不得與其他優惠 ... 會做出不同的變化,使用當季最好的食材,故圖片可供參考,不一定為現場實際提供。 ... DAY 1 桃園...
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菲律賓一日遊行程推薦,網羅各大旅行社最優惠商品!行程含免費接送、中文導遊,提供 ... 【馬尼拉一日遊】馬尼拉大雅台市&萊梅裏城堡(馬尼拉出發). 15則. 觀看評論. (151)(117)(...