我想在网上订日本东京来回机票,可是看到里头注明 “Fares per adult in MYR include taxes and surcharges but exclude non-ticketable departure tax ” 。 Non-ticketable departure tax 是什么东东?:-O 什么情况之下会被charge ? 谢谢!
请问什么是 non-ticketable departure tax ?
發布時間: 2009-09-01推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1airport tax中文翻譯,airport tax是什麼意思:機場稅…
Price does not include airport taxes , tips and visa 費用不含機場稅小費簽證費。 Fee does not include airport t...
- 2离境税- MBA智库百科
离境税(Departure Tax\Terminal Fee)离境税是指某国公民在离开该国购买国际机票时,航空 ... 1 什么是离境税; 2 离境税的实施国家; 3 相关条目 ... 离境税...
- 3Departure Tax (Exit Tax) Changed in 2018 or maybe not...
You pay the tax no matter what, but by 2019 most airlines are charging you the extra $29 upfront ...
- 4機場稅- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
機場稅(英語:airport tax),又稱機場建設費(Airport improvement fee)、飛機乘客離境稅(Air passenger Departure Tax),是由機場的營運...
- 5Departure tax, taxes - Travel info | WestJet official site
Some governments or airport authorities charge a departure tax which is not included in the fligh...
- 6机票里的XT是什么意思_百度知道
FARE:(机票费)12980元TAX:(燃油、5261税收等各项税4102 ... /ARPT IMPROVEMENT FEE NON-TICKETABLE (机场改建税)TAX 可选中1个...