
發布時間: 2012-11-22
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

昨天在HostelBookers.com訂房以付了10%訂金.今天飯店MAIL沒房間訂金怎麼辦?會退訂金嗎? 昨天預定成功的訊息: Hi hsin yu. Thanks for booking with HostelBookers! Reference number: 72095-8093855 H2Oguesthouse Name: hsin yu lin Check-in: 31/12/12 Check-out: 05/01/13 Nights: 5 People: 4 Your balance of 457.02 USD is payable on arrival in the local currency. *** (The balance in local currency is KRW 495,000.00.) Room details Cost per person Total Superior Private Double Ensuite 4 People, 5 Nights 25.39 USD 507.80 USD Total 507.80 USD 10% payment * 50.78 USD Booking Fee None Total Paid ** 50.78 USD 今天卻收到飯店的MAIL: Hello, THIS H2O GUEST HOUSE. WE JUST GOT A BOOKING FROM HOSTEL BOOKERS. , WE ARE SORRY TO TELL YOU THAT THERE IS NO ROOM AVAILABLE ON 2012 DEC. 31ST – 2013 JAN. 1ST SO, PLEASE CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION. BUT YOU CAN RESERVATE ON 2013 FEB. 1ST, MAR. 1ST, APRIL 1ST 因為網站有寫取消訂房沒收訂金.但是沒房間給我是飯店的問題要求我自己去取消.那我已經付的訂金要怎麼退款呢?

這個網站book的 除了飯店的錢之外 還有一筆手續費 我今天看到我的信用卡賬單才發現的 booked 11/28~12/3手續費英鎊7塊多...:-| 如果你要退費的話 這一筆手續費記得也要問有沒有產生

我有寫信申訴了但是客服叫我另外訂房間問題是我機票都已經買好了.飯店就已經說了2月以前都沒房間. HostelBookers.com的回信意思好像是不肯退訂金.沒房間還顯示上面有房間付了訂金.沒房間卻不退款.再這之前以為有房間訂好了之後才去退另一個網站離比較遠的飯店說手續費都白了了. Dear Partner, I hope this finds you well. Please read the below email we received from one of our mutual guests. Please keep in mind that in case you cannot honour any booking you should contact the guest in advance and according to our prior agreement and “Terms & Conditions” you must either refund the deposit paid by the customer or find alternative accommodation of the same price and standard. I would like to remind you that you are entirely responsible for your HostelBookers BackOffice meaning that you need to update availability and check bookings on a regular basis. All the bookings through HostelBookers get emailed to you and you can view them in your back office. We cannot change your prices and availability; this can only be done by you. To update your availability and prices all you need to do is follow these simple steps: 1. Go to your ‘BackOffice’ 2. Click on ‘Beds & Prices’ 3. Then click on ‘Open Panel’ 4. Select the days of the week 5. Choose the type of room 6. Enter the range of dates where you want to apply the changes 7. Enter the price (per person) or the number of beds available or click on "Close" 8. Click on ‘Update availability’ I hope this information is of help but please don’t hesitate to contact us should you require any further assistance. Do confirm how you will proceed within the next 48 hours. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Donatella -- Donatella Di Giannantonio | Customer Service Advisor | HostelBookers.com Ltd e: [email protected] | t:+44 (0)20 7406 1800 | f:+44 (0)20 7406 1801 a: 52-54 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6RL Registered Number: 2841908 England In order for us to provide a quick response to your enquiry please do not delete any previous e mail history P Travel safely & responsibly. Please consider the environment, before printing this email. www.HostelBookers.com

雖然沒辦法幫您,順便分享一下我的經驗, 最近有用這個訂房網站的經驗也不是很好. 他的某些旅館價格真的比其它地方便宜,但和飯店的連繫不是很好. 要取消訂房必須自己跟旅館聯絡,這點很不方便. 跟旅館聯絡,是回覆我必須跟HostelBookers.com聯絡, 向HostelBookers.com反應,也只說已通知旅館,要我等旅館消息., 如果等不到,再次跟他們聯絡. 這樣取消訂房的流程,很不方便,也很沒保障,失去訂房網站中介者的角色. 或許因為他們少了這項服務,所以便宜些. 以後應該不會用這家了.
