馬尼拉飛杜拜 機上WIFI?

發布時間: 2014-09-21
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

查杜拜行程資料時無意間看到這篇新聞. http://www.xinmedia.com/n/news_article.aspx?newsid=464895&type=0 想請問近期有搭宿航到杜拜的朋友, 機上現在已經有提供這樣的服務了嗎?

應該是有吧。以下是他們臉書頁9/13的資訊 https://www.facebook.com/cebupacificair/photos/a.108443642535253.4705.100352916677659/802997703079840/?type=1 Stay connected with Cebu Pacific Air’s CEB Air inflight Wi-Fi service! Take web surfing to new heights with the following internet data plans guests can choose from inflight: $5 for 1 hour $10 for 3 hours $12 for the entire flight To avail, simply approach any of our cabin crew for the Wi-Fi password and present your credit card for payment. Happy travels, everyJUAN!