菲律賓及緬甸 7月1日起正式啟用電子旅遊憑證

發布時間: 2015-05-04
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票


對大家來說應該是好消息吧 菲律賓死要錢............ 一堆窮國都免簽 就是不免簽台灣 http://www.dfa.gov.ph/index.php/consular-services/visa-information 現在還不知道ETA要多少費用呢....

http://evisa.moip.gov.mm/NewApplication.aspx# 緬甸的電子簽證申請表居然寫著Republic Of China , Taiwan. 真是奇蹟....... https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11196251_10153929032999057_5692271499986471699_n.jpg?oh=3c949a4467a74b9eff4598b7d67a22df&oe=55CAED1D&__gda__=1439319536_94ee527918199847fcd9a62cf5447793

現在還不知道ETA要多少費用呢.... 從這篇來看 http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201505040035.aspx The new system will be available starting July 1, it said. With the ETA system, applications and payments for the travel authorization can be done online wherever applicants are at any time, it said. .... Applicants will have to pay a fee of NT1,100 (US$35.80) for the online visa to the Philippines, MECO said. At present, Taiwanese tourists have to visit MECO offices in Taiwan to submit visa applications and make a payment of NT1,200, it said. 7/1開始。電子簽 NT 1100。

看起來.. 還是不要去菲律賓好了 太沒誠意 都已經要改線上申請..人工費都省下來了 還要1100NT...真的是XXOO 緬甸也是一樣..要50美金..無言 看那土耳其至少好一點24美金

前幾天才訂了菲律賓機票 多少是有省一些啦ˊ_>ˋ
