我當時是在ZUJI買國航「加德滿都-成都-台北」單程,刷533.2港幣 ANZ信用卡未出帳單顯示 1/30 ZUJI請款533.2澳幣 1/31 ZUJI刷退528.46澳幣 ZUJI有把500港幣補償直接列在刷退總額 等於這張機票只花4.74澳幣 這次ZUJI澳洲公司危機處理明快迅速,毫不拖泥帶水 讓人印象深刻(H)
同意你的意見,但是我認為在Zuji案例中Webjet充分利用事件行銷~以小成本在事件處理上營造大行銷~的地方在於那一筆所謂的"精神補償金",這$500應該不是白紙黑字定在那兒的吧... 至於這$500的效用呢?! 我想顧一位寫手寫你的這一篇文章遠不止$500... 離體咯,畢竟這裡是討論旅遊的地方,不是討論行銷的所在。
我倒是認為這兩件事兒其實是同一碼事兒誒~企業面對客服事件的處理方式,如何利用小成本產生大行銷。 怎樣說呢 這個要分辨是「商家的問題」還是「顧客的問題」 在香港網站,購買飛機票,到確認也是顯示港幣的情況下, 之後莫名其妙地說原來是澳幣(差7倍價格) 錯一定是在商家那邊 如果消費者進行公訴,令事件進入法律程序,這樣的情況公司沒有勝算 所以乾脆賠償也很正常 可是如果是被判定為顧客的問題, 純粹是客人看錯某某機場,之後說要退票,或是要求賠償的話, 就算客人找官方或是告上法院也不會有勝算的話, 公司也不見得一定要退票或是賠償 純粹為了公司的正面形象,損失不多的情況下,當然會取消(或是退成現金優惠券、點數這樣的做法)
恭喜,這間航空公司願承認標錯價格,危機處理方式值得贊賞,也替自己做了正面行銷。 但是千萬不要有人把這件個案與自己買錯lcc票又要求退款相提并論,這是兩碼事。 我倒是認為這兩件事兒其實是同一碼事兒誒~企業面對客服事件的處理方式,如何利用小成本產生大行銷。
恭喜,這間航空公司願承認標錯價格,危機處理方式值得贊賞,也替自己做了正面行銷。 但是千萬不要有人把這件個案與自己買錯lcc票又要求退款相提并論,這是兩碼事。
2014年1月30日,ZUJI (www.zuji.com.hk)發生系統錯誤 他們將香港網站錯誤連到澳洲,香港網站上全部轉為澳元價格(系統顯示為港元) 我買了兩套機票,一直到付款完畢都是顯示為港元: Total Booking Price (in HongKong Dollars) 1101833 1101834 可是確認電郵(ZUJI Booking Confirmation)的附件卻是寫以澳元計價: Total Booking Price (in Australian Dollars) 1101841 電郵也是由au(澳洲)系統寄出 打熱線電話去問後,說之後回覆 網站一日後(今日,大年初一)就回覆處理方法了: Dear ******** Re Booking Reference 5000***** On the 30th of January 2014 (for approximately 2 hours) our site displayed all products (flights, cars, hotels) in Australian Dollars and not Hong Kong Dollars. This resulted in all bookings being made during this time period being charged in Australian Dollars and not Hong Kong Dollars. An example of how a transaction was processed is outlined below: · The site displayed a flight for $500. · The $500 price was actually AU$500, not HK$500. When translated to Hong Kong Dollars, using an exchange rate 1AUD = 6.8 HKD, this flight’s actual cost was HK$3,300. · The ticket was charged to the customer’s credit card at HD$3,300 · This would have been an overcharge of HK$2,800 from what the customer was expecting. This email confirms that your booking was one of the bookings impacted by this AUD/HKD conversion issue. We are writing to let you know that that we will honour the price displayed and refund to you any overcharged amount, regardless of the true cost of the flight. In the above example, the impacted customer would be refunded HK$2,800. To speed up the refund process, we will use an exchange rate of 1AUD= 7HKD and include a HKD500 additional payment for the inconvenience to you and process your refund immediately. We will process the refund within the next 48 hours, however, please note that this may not be reflected in your bank account for a further 2-3 business days. The refund will be made back to the card used for the payment so you do not need to take any further action. Your booking is still confirmed, regardless of any refund. You may use the confirmation documentation originally provided to you for check-in for your travel. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience or concern that this may have caused. Tim Wagg I General Manager Customer Operations Level 2, 509 St Kilda Road | Melbourne VIC 3004 | Australia T 61 3 9828 9784 | F 61 3 9820 9258 facebook-icongoogle-iconlinkedin-icon M 0409 177 851 E twagg@webjet.com.au 網站竟然承認機票+再額外賠償HKD500 真是農曆新年的大大大禮啊~!!! 那麼我達美香港飛東京成田只需要HKD150左右(Y) 比廉價航空更便宜,還好早一天沒訂香港快運的票 我想是網站看到這兩小時的成交不多,蝕的數額不大才會這樣處理吧 雖然我有同事訂了3程,也有另一個同事訂了香港去西班牙巴塞隆拿 最後還是讚一下ZUJI的處理方法<:o) 太開心了~!