Thanks for your friendly reminder

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關於「Thanks for your friendly reminder」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

大家來找碴,email常用語「Thanks for your kindly reminder」,哪裡 ...2015年5月26日 · (X)Please kindly let me know by today. 三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http:// 作者簡介_世界公民文化中心.大家來找碴,email常用語「Thanks for your kindly reminder」,哪裡 ...首先,kindly可當副詞,真要形容名詞reminder,英文裡有一個常用的搭配,叫做friendly reminder:" Thanks for your friendly reminder." 如果審慎一點,你也許去查 ...【Debug】英文除錯:謝謝你的提醒 - Curious - 英語島很多學生在表達感謝的時候,會跟老師說「Thanks for your care.」謝謝你 ... mention 的意思是「提到」,如果要表達「提醒」,可以用名詞reminder,或是動詞remind。

因為for ... 要用" in a friendly way” 成為一個副詞片語,才能用來修飾句子。

How do ... What are you listening to? post/1309 ...大家來找碴,email常用語「Thanks for your kindly reminder」,哪裡 ...2016年2月5日 · 我們最常見到在商業英文email裡的一個錯誤句子: “Thanks for your kindly reminder.” (謝謝你的善意提醒。

)或類似句子: “Thanks for your ..."Thanks for your kindly reminder." 和"Thanks for your friendly ...Thanks for your kindly reminder.的同義字@gagaapple: They are different because of the way you would use the words "kindly" and "friendly".thanks for your reminding/reminder? | WordReference ForumsHello, When we'd like to thank someone for giving us a kind reminding of something, should we say "thanks for your kind reminding" or "thanks ...the problem with "gentle reminders" -- and other lesser-known email ...2014年7月21日 · “Gentle reminder” is one of the most irritating things I hear on a ... for the previous year and I'll re roll the GL year end in the system. Thanks!”.thank you for your kind reminder - TextRanchA complete search of the internet has found these results: thank you for your kindly reminder is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! thank you for ...To Do Reminder with Alarm – Apps on Google Play評分 4.5 (103,284) · 免費 · AndroidTo Do Reminder app - “Make life easier” It's a quick, simple and easy to use reminder app. No Stress, Feel Relaxed. It will remind you everything!! Memory like a ...How to Write a Follow-Up Email After You've Submitted Your ResumeWhat to Do if You Don't Hear Back · Tips to writing a follow-up letter to a job application: Send it promptly · E-mail marketing illustration · Best Job Interview Thank ...
