
發布時間: 2012-09-30
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

以下皆屬真實,如有巧合,那算你倒楣(N) 我想終於要有個了斷,真是夠了,就當是一場昂貴的教訓,也希望以自身的經驗提醒大家,上網站訂房要小心,我在7/4日上agoda(雅高達)網站訂了兩個星期後的酒店,但因為個人因素所以取消,也隨即獲得網站通知(皆有電子郵件為憑),但在7月底的時候,信用卡公司想我要了這筆錢,我如數繳交,想說下個月會退,但到8月帳單來了,這筆錢沒有退,所以我透過網站的回饋管道寄信去詢問(中英文都有),卻沒有任何回音,截至到目前為止,我總共計6封,每封他們都有自動回覆系統說收到了,儘可能在24小時內回覆,但今天9/31,已經不止24天,我還是沒有得到任何回音,一封都沒有!!!這封信的目的在提醒大家,agoda是一的很大的旅遊訂房網站,很多人使用,但它的服務很爛,也有被吃錢的可能,所以請大家要小心!這是本人血淋淋的教訓,請大家引以為鑑!

同情樓主..... 不過是不是定了不能取消的訂單呢?? 我也常常跟agoda打交道......也不是幫他們說話....可是他們服務效率還不錯的阿.... 前年紅杉軍的時候曼谷鬧很大.....我也訂了不能取消的訂房.....可是一起同行的朋友定別家取消成功了....我就寫信去爭取.....兩三封信來回後也取消成功了.....兩個月後錢也回沖到我信用卡帳戶....

If you are 100% sure that your reservation is not non-refundable, certainly DON'T GIVE UP!! Just repeatedly send the e-mail to Agoda everyday!!(Y) By the way, u may call her live 7/24 customer support!

If you are 100% sure that your reservation is not non-refundable, certainly DON'T GIVE UP!! Just repeatedly send the e-mail to Agoda everyday!!(Y) By the way, u may call her live 7/24 customer support! THX BUT not matter it is non-refindable or not They should answer my mail, right? that is what service for ! I will try to call, hope for the best

THX BUT not matter it is non-refindable or not They should answer my mail, right? that is what service for ! I will try to call, hope for the best Agree but we also should understand the rule of a game. No matter it is a bank, airlines, hotel, web booking agent or......if u ask for a refund, all of them usually will try the best to discourage you in order to make you give up at last.:-S Anyway, Action beat words. By the way, remember to mark down '2nd request'....'10th request'.....etc on your e-mail. On the other hand, u may e-mail the hotel (which u booked) to check that Agoda have already cancelled your reservation or not. If not, it means that Agoda still have not taken any action to handle your request. Cheer Up!!(Y)




【更正】--> 剛剛再點選繁體中文的AGODA,已經取消了免費的中文客服電話,我去年8月使用時,還有此服務,現在已經沒了喔~ PS. HOTEL.COM這家代訂房網站,還是有提供免費中文客服電話。

上星期剛打過, 02-26507819。

